Act 22: "Do I have to?"

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"Sasuke. Sasuke. Wake up."




"Duckbutt, wake the hell up or I'll get Naru-naru to kiss you."

Shira chuckled as Sasuke woke up in sweats and hysterics. His panting came to a halt when he noticed the redhead beside his bed. "What're you doing here?" He grumbled in annoyance. It was too early for this and he didn't expect a sudden visit from her.

A red eyebrow curled up in exasperation. "You said you wanted to try the coordinated attacks again so I came to pick up all of you." Sasuke groaned and threw a pillow to her direction but it was caught instead of hitting its intended target.

"It was your idea, duckbutt."

"Fine, fine. I'll be ready in ten."

While waiting for him, Shira remembered a conversation she had with Kakashi yesterday about her chakra chains.



"Adamantine Sealing Chains?"

"Yes, you've been using it for how long exactly, Shira-chan?" The question threw her off guard. The redhead Uzumaki tried to remember but nothing came up. "I... don't really know."

"To better use your chains, you have to understand what it is and their limitations, okay? Now, your chains are physical manifestation of your chakra, condensed in the shape of chains. These chains, however, are limited to the Uzumaki Clan's fūinjutsu so you don't have to worry about a random person copying you."

Shira nodded in understanding. So, before she even knew of fūinjtusu's existence, she knew how to make them? "They're very durable and could restrain the strongest enemy, although this also depends how strong you are. You can also erect barriers using these chains. However, I can't teach you any jutsu since I don't know any Uzumaki Seals. Your mother was the only one who knew."

Purple eyes saddened at the mention of her mother.

"When you try to make a barrier, make sure to be in a place far from any building and civilians, okay?" Shira nodded at Kakashi's warning. She would have been stupid not to realize that. "Since you probably know how to make storage seals and explosive tags already, let's move on to more advanced sealing techniques."

When he finished, Kakashi noticed Shira's confused expression. "Yes?" He questioned. "I don't know how to make storage seals and explosive tags." She said with a straight expression. Kakashi chuckled and stated, "Oh, I see so you don't - say that again."

"I don't know how to make storage seals and explosive tags."

"Hahaha! That's a funny joke, Shira-chan. Let's continue then-" but he noticed how serious her eyes were the moment his eyes met with purple ones. Kakashi let out an exasperated groan. "Are you serious? How did you even manage to decode the Thunder God Jutsu?"

"I have various theories on Thunder God Jutsu and when I compared my first drawing of a seal with the one on Otou-sama's kunai, it was similar but I had to reconstruct some parts to adjust it to my own chakra instead of Otou-sama's. However, I decided against testing it, not before my theory is a complete success. I didn't know much about fūinjutsu, so I was amazed how I got it so quickly."

Kakashi stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and stared and- you know what, let's resume the story. "You... you decoded tour father's jutsu by luck? Without knowing basic fūinjutsu?"

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