Shippuden Act 2

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"Ne, Ne, what do ya guys wanna do, -bayo?"

Naruto asked. Kakashi had already left them, saying something about paperwork's about the team. Sakura shrugged her shoulders while Sasuke 'hn'ed like he usually do when he's to lazy to answer. The blonde pouted. Why are his teammates so unresponsive, dammit!

"Ooh, let's go eat ramen!"

He suggested and he inwardly cheered when Sakura said a yes while Sasuke shrugged his shoulder this time. Naruto was about to prance away like a little girl when Sakura grabbed his elbow and stopped him from going anymore. "Ah! Shikamaru! Temari-san! Look who's back!"

The pinkette waved over. The aforementioned duo stopped and looked at her and whatever she was pointing at. The Uchiha merely scoffed. "Those moronic c—" Sakura elbowed him on his side, shutting him up. The latter winced and glared at her. Stupid Sakura and her brutal ways, he thought in frustration.

The Nara widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Is that Naruto?!" The blonde smirked. Hahaha, he's that unforgettable, huh?! "Did you just come home then?" The Nara casually asked his friend. "Nope~ I got home yesterday, ttebayo!" Sasuke shook his head. Can Naruto be any more louder than he already is? "He he, has your idiocy finally left you? And have you changed? Well?"

Sakura scoffed. "No, he hasn't changed at all." Which was followed by Sasuke snickering. "The dobe didn't change at all. He might have gotten taller but he's still a moron." Naruto's face bursts in red and glared at Sasuke. "What did you say, teme?!" Sasuke glared back. "You're definitely hard of hearing. You must be older than you look, usuratonkachi."

Naruto was about to   pounce on him but Sakura held him back. Meanwhile, Shikamaru and Temari sweat dropped at the scene. Definitely, both Naruto AND Sasuke haven't changed at all. "Hey, Naruto..." The blonde stopped struggling in Sakura's hold and looked at Shikamaru. "Are you going to take the Chuunin Exams this year?"

"Chuunin Exams?"

"The only one in our class that hasn't been made Chuunin yet... is you." There was silence for a few seconds before the Nara's words registered in the blonde's mind. "EHHHHHHHH?!" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief. How couldn't he when everyone had left him behind!? This is so unfair, believe it!

"Then, then, are you a chuunin, too, Sakura-chan?!" The pinkette nodded with an apologetic look. "Plus..." Shikamaru chirped. He was liking this, that's for sure. "Neji from the year above us, Kankuro of the Sand and Temari here are Jounin." Naruto blanched. Wait, Sasuke hasn't been mentioned yet.

"What about ya, teme?" The blonde asked his other teammate. Sasuke smirked, knowing how frustrated Naruto must and will be after he informs the dobe. "I was recommended to take the exams for ANBU but I declined. Currently, I'm a Jounin like Temari-san over there."

Again, it took a few moment before Naruto can register what Sasuke said. "WHAAAAAAT?!" Shocked, he turned to face Temari and Shikamaru again. "Then, then, what about Gaara?!"

After getting over the initial shock about Gaara being a Kazekage, Naruto bid his farewell and jogged back to hi— their— their apartment. He stood in front of it and just stared at it, somehow thinking that maybe, just maybe, someone would open the door there and a certain redhead would greet him.

He just stood there, staring at the knob, and waiting. After a couple of minutes have passed, he sighed in sadness, grabbed the knob and turned it around, pushing the door open. "... I'm home." He could hear her voice, even though she wasn't there anymore.

"Welcome back, Naru-naru. Did you play with Kiba and the others again? Don't you even find it troublesome?" A sad smile appeared on the blonde's lips. Yeah, he could still hear her voice even though it's been two and a half years already. Her voice will always be present in his mind, he could never forget it. Not a single moment did he forget it.

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