Shippuden Act 6

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"Ne-san! Ne-san! Wake up! Wake up! It's our first day in the Academy!!"

"Ne-san! Ne-san! Control your fangirls, 'ttebayo! They're flocking around the door again! I can't get out!"

"Alright! Will you use the super duper awesome jutsu, Ne-san?"


"What?! No! No way! I was just surprised, 'ttebayo! I didn't expect you to suddenly wake up!"



"Then... when you come home... can you join us for training?"


"Um... we'll always be together, right, ttebayo? I mean, I'm going to be the greatest Hokage the village has ever seen and you'll be the strongest right-hand woman and the two of us we'll be the strongest duo in the entire nation! We'll take down countless enemies and save the village, ttebayo! And then... and then, everyone will acknowledge us."

"Sh-Shira-nee... don't.... I'm... begging you, -bayo."

"I love you too, Nee-san."

A choked sound came from her throat as she placed her arm above her eyes. "Ah," she breathed out with a shaky smile. "You've really grown a lot, Naru-chan." Upon uttering her brother's name, her tears continuously fell from her cheeks. "I really... I really miss you, 'ttebane."




Light filtered into his room, causing him to wake up with a disgruntled groan. It had been quite some time since their reunion and Sasuke still couldn't get over the fact that Shira - the person who loved Naruto the most - could say such awful things to the dobe. He reached for the necklace under his shirt and caressed it with his finger. Obsidian stared at glinting metal and a sigh escaped his lips.

The Uzumaki crest seemed to mock him. It was as if it was a sign that told him that they failed their mission to get her back. Three years ago, when he came to, he had seen a look of emptiness in Naruto's cerulean eyes. The blond had locked himself up in his apartment and no one could get him out. No one could get inside apart from him. Sasuke had taken the initiative to talk to him.

The Uchiha had never seen the blond so lifeless before. His entire place was void of any kind of light and dust had started to pile up in his once warm home. The place was cold, so very cold that Sasuke had wondered if someone was actually living there. Sasuke could somewhat understand what Naruto's thinking right now. To have that closest person say something so hurtful to you could be a real mind-numbing experience.

The morning, he noticed, was a bit dull or was it just him that it looked that way? Sunlight that filtered through his curtains irritated his eyes, and with a grumble, he stood up with a frown prominent on his face. Three years ago, he wouldn't mind waking up this early for training or on just mundane days. Currently, he found himself oversleeping and he wasn't a morning person like he used to be.

He might have unconsciously adopted the redhead's habit of waking up late and it was something that made him feel a little bit closer to her, even if it was a tiny bit fraction. 12: 39. The clock read. "Uchiha brat," a gruff voice called out and he wasn't surprised to see Pakkun sitting on his windowsill with his usual grumpy expression. "You're late for training." With an uncharacteristic groan, he waved the summon off and made his way to the bathroom.

His movements were slow and lethargic, it was as if he didn't have the energy to go on throughout the day. He looked ready to keel over and sleep wherever, but he wouldn't admit something embarrassing like that. "Kakashi said that he was going to lend you the latest Icha Icha series he got from Naruto." And without wasting any more time, Sasuke was out of his house in record time. Pakkun exasperatedly sighed. Kakashi virus strikes again, he thought in dry humor.

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