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Track #2: Act Like You Love Me


Shawn's POV

September 19, 2015

- Shawn, come on, get up!

A pillow lands on my face and the sheet covering me is pulled back, exposing my skin to the gusts of wind coming through the large window of the room, which I'm sure I left open by mistake during the night. I shudder and snort before rubbing my eyes to see Andrew standing with his arms crossed at the end of the bed looking unfriendly.

- What time is it?- I ask in a scratchy voice.

- It's very late.

I see him pick up his phone and dial someone I don't know.

- He's already awake, you can come to the room.

He hangs up without another word. I continue leaning against the headboard of the bed, already resigned to the hustle and bustle that I know will come as soon as I set foot on the floor.

- Hailee is getting ready in her room, you should do the same.- He points his phone at me. I roll my eyes in annoyance.- Don't look at me like that, I let you rest as much as I could because you asked me to, but you know how it is.

- Yes, I know how it is.- I mumble through my teeth, making an effort to lift my heavy body out of bed.

- Cheer up, you don't want Camila to see you in a bad light, eh?

My sleepy eyes snap open at the mention of her name. Andrew smiles innocently at the sight of me so shocked, he knows what he's doing...

- She... Is she... here? - I stutter, choking on my own saliva.

- She will be in a couple of hours. Maybe you'll see her on the carpet before your performance.

One last amused look at me and he walks away leaving me alone with my nerves on edge, my heart racing like the wings of a hummingbird and barely breathing. If I get like this now just thinking about her I don't want to know what will happen when I see her. Shawn, keep calm!


I walk in circles in front of the entrance to the room, trying to relax, but my hands won't stop shaking, I'm about to bite my nails with anxiety. Is she around? Is she already here? Will she be happy to see me? Of course she will, won't she? After all, we are friends. I'd be glad to see my friends after several months apart. But is she like that? And if she is, why didn't she tell me she was coming to the festival? I told her I was coming on one of the many times we texted at midnight. Or did I forget? God, I forgot!

- You're going to blow a hole in the floor if you don't stay still in one place.

I completely ignore Drew who is just trying to do his job, as well as the hair and makeup assistant that chases me on my little walk by running a comb through the tousled curls of my hair as a result of all the times I ran my hands through it. I must look ridiculous, but I don't care. I need to see her as soon as possible. Or better not... I don't know what to do. I sigh, leaning back against the hallway wall to the great relief of the assistant and my manager.

- The van is waiting downstairs. Are you ready, buddy?- Drew pats my shoulder.

I deny terrified but I still follow him out of the hotel with my bodyguard. Avoiding the camera flashes of the few paparazzi present and silencing the screams of the fans asking for photos and autographs, I arrive safely to the van where I prepare to wait patiently for my inevitable meeting with Camila.


I stand in the small line of celebrities arriving on the red carpet, appearing to be in high spirits as I smile as Drew instructed. Truth be told I'm about to faint, my hands inside my jeans pockets are already sweating uncontrollably and the sight of her a few feet away from me isn't helping calm me down at all. She takes my breath away, why does she always have to look so good? With that semi-transparent white outfit highlighting her long shiny and silky black hair. I check my outfit for a second and feel terrible, jeans and a random t-shirt... How basic, Shawn. That way she'll never notice you. I stifle the thoughts in my subconscious and am forced to move forward in line. She's already in the photographers' spotlight drawing all the attention, as usual. Who wouldn't be interested in her, for God's sake?

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