Jan.15.19/Friends (3/3)

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Track #17: If I Can't Have You


Shawn's POV

January 15, 2019

Lying on the floor I plug my headphones into my phone and hit play on the Camila album, skipping the first two songs. Never Be The Same is out of my vocal range by a lot, I could try but I don't want to damage my vocal cords, I leave that to my friend who does it effortlessly. And, All These Years on the other hand... it's painful to listen to her words, which have lost their meaning now.

I'm in the process of writing a song that I've put aside many times already, and thanks to Camila's idea I want to try Latin-influenced instrumentals. The closest thing I know is her album, although I'm still waiting for her to send me the playlist she promised me, but who knows when that will be.

I've got the whole team rehearsing these kinds of sounds on their instruments, the studio has become chaos. Sometimes chaos is good, Shawn.

After a few minutes I find myself bobbing my head to the music and singing along to the lyrics. It's a good feeling, very tropical. If I knew how to dance I would be doing it right now, as well as Teddy who is sitting in front of the sound board stomping the floor to the rhythm of the guitar played by Watt, who by the way collaborated with Camila on her album and she recommended him to me for this project.

- Hey, brother. - I get up off the floor to talk to him. - Do you think you can work on a beat like Havana? I really love that song.

- Yeah, of course. - He nods smiling. - Do you really want it very Latin?

- Yeah... - I murmur with a little hesitation. Give it a chance, Shawn...

- Okay, I'll get into it

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- Okay, I'll get into it. - He holds the guitar out to me and I frown in confusion as I watch him grab his stuff. - I need to go to my studio for some demos, but I'll be in touch with you, okay?

- Oh, okay. Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it.

- Thank Camila, she insisted. - He makes an amused face. - Quite a lot actually.

We shake hands and he waves goodbye to everyone, walking out the door where Andrew just came in. He raises a questioning eyebrow as he watches us work, closing the door behind him. Great, Shawn, you forgot to mention him about this?

- What are you doing? - He looks at me suspiciously.

- Working on the album as you can see. - I smile innocently at him taking a seat with my guitar.

Andrew squints at the pile of papers scattered on the desk, with drafts of the song I'm close to finishing, lyric-wise. But the Spanish translation has me worried; maybe I'll leave it as is.

- And what does Camila have to do with this? - He asks as he picks up one of the sheet music of her songs.

- Andrew, you still haven't figured it out, have you? - Snorts Scott from a corner.

Songs For You - (Shawmila, The Story) Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now