Aug.9.19/I Can't Stop Falling In Love (3/3)

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Track #27: Higher


Shawn's POV

August 9, 2019

I stomp the floor a little impatiently at the entrance to the apartment, suitcases on either side of me, waiting for my girlfriend to finish doing whatever she's doing in the room right now. Due to a little mistake in the records we have to vacate the place because it's already booked for someone else as of today, according to what Drew told me. So the plan is to move to a nearby hotel just for this day, at least so Camila can be comfortable until she leaves for the airport.

I check my phone every now and then just to watch the minutes slowly tick by on the screensaver clock. One of the things I hate most in life is lateness.

She told me it wouldn't take her long to change, but that was twenty minutes ago... Should I go check on her? Part of me warns me that's a very bad idea, if I take my sister as a reference. The last time I rushed her to do something she almost put my eye out when she threw a brush in my face. I'm too good looking to risk that again.

Let's just say that growing up and living with women has served me well in these instances. But I'm still aware that I'll screw up at any moment, it's inevitable. It's happened to Dad many times before; I just hope I have the ability he has to control those situations... More so now that I practically told Camila that we should live together just this morning. I don't know why on earth I thought that would be a good idea, when we are just starting a serious relationship. But like everything in life, it's just another learning curve... And today I learned that my girlfriend is unpunctual.

I have made three rounds down the hall, much to the amusement of the doorman, when she deigns to appear with a big smile on her face looking as divine as ever. I just have to see her for the discomfort to go away, I'm so in love.

- Do you have everything? - I ask her seriously, taking out the keys to lock the door once I'm sure.

- Yeah. - She nods as she checks her brown bag slung over her shoulder.

- Are you sure? Everything, everything? Are you not forgetting anything? Because we're not coming back...

- Yes, Shawn! - She exclaims, laughing, tucking her wavy hair behind her ears. - I'm messy, but not that messy, you know?

- That's not what Sofia told me. - I tease, inserting the key into the door until it's officially locked.

- Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence. - She says sarcastically walking in front of me. - Don't make me send you to the dog house. - She threatens me by looking over her shoulder and exits the building without further ado.

I hand the keys to the kind doorman who has put up with us these few days and leave a large sum of bills as a tip before thanking him for his attentions, begging him to set me aside the first few days he has available to make the deposit and rent the place as I suggested to Camila. Drew is not part of this arrangement because I don't want him to take over, I have the responsibility. This is what it's like to be an adult...

Camila has already climbed into the van when I leave with both suitcases, so heavy I'm surprised they don't hurt my back. Still, it's an extra effort I allow myself to make. I would never put my girlfriend to carry this unnecessarily; first and foremost I am a gentleman. My mother raised me very well.

 My mother raised me very well

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