July.9.20/Something Called Love (2/3)

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Track #36: Wonder


Camila's POV

July 9, 2020

For being in the middle of summer with usual temperatures above 30 degrees, surprisingly I have to take refuge in my sweater as best I can to avoid dying from the strange cold that dawned in the city, fogged by a layer of black clouds full of rain yet to fall, thank God. My teeth chatter and my hands feel like two ice cubes as the day moves extremely slowly in this almost desolate Airport. Instead, I wish I was in my bed curled up between cozy sheets and giant cotton pillows, maybe next to my dogs.

It's so fucking early, I'm sleepy and it's not even past 7AM. I blame Shawn for this whole thing... And Andrew too, never mind that he went all out with this little surprise for my boyfriend, which I've made sure not to say a word about until we get to our destination.

They could have chosen a more suitable time for this trip, but no... They seem to like to see me suffer.

I've lost the routine. It's been about four months since I traveled somewhere, or packed suitcases or simply woke up at this hour. My eyelids close involuntarily and I can't find a proper distraction from the endless commercials they show on plasma TVs in every hallway with their boring background music.

Don't let it show that you're not in a good mood, Camila...

My tall, handsome partner just laughs at my complaints and assures me that soon we'll be inside the plane and I can sleep as much as I want in those couple of hours.

- I hate this. - I snort a little angrily.

I look with annoyance at a poor baby a few feet away from us who is crying as loudly as if she were being killed, and her mother does nothing to comfort her, busy consulting a cheap magazine on the counter. I just hope we don't have to share the flight with them.

- Honey, put the bitterness aside and try to relax. - Shawn pleads, sitting next to me in the row of seats in the waiting area.

He watches me with his luminous brown eyes that I love so much, smiling nonchalantly. Unlike me he is taking things a little too cool, which is nice to see because I know firsthand that he has been through some tough times inside that chaotic mind of his.

- Could you remind me why we don't go by private jet?

- Because it is not necessary, Mila. Besides, the paperwork is more extensive and there's no time to waste.

I roll my eyes and shrink back in my chair, wanting to disappear into my bubble. With no other option to turn to I am forced to give up.

I might as well have stayed home and avoided all this exposure, I know...but I don't want to let him go alone. Correction: I don't want to part from him. Not for a second. Wherever he goes I want to be there, even though it's all very complicated at this very moment with all these crazy changes that the whole world has had to adapt to little by little.

But life has to go on, Camila....

Ignoring my annoyance, I have to admit that it gives me great joy to be back in New York. Somehow it has become a special place for Shawn and me. A city that is witness to so many mixed emotions as we decided where we wanted to go.

And look at the universe where it brought us.

Shawn laughs once again at the childish attitude I admit I do have, and gives me a delicious massage on my scalp with his fine guitarist's fingers. I sigh in pleasure closing my eyes, imagining I'm in a very different place, trying not to fall asleep in the process. It feels so good...

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