Aug.8.20/Something Called Love (3/3)

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["It was a Summer Of Love" ~ 8.20.21 Happy premiere day!]

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(WARNING: +18) 🔥😈🔥😈🔥

Track #36: Wonder


Shawn's POV

August 8, 2020

My sister's monumental scream wakes me up from a rather nice dream that included me and Camila on a romantic stroll on the beach at sunset, holding hands, childish kisses and smiles here and there, the sea breeze crashing against our bristly skin after a dip in the deep crystal clear sea before taking the date to a spicier level....

Aaliyah Maria Mendes, sometimes I love you less than usual.

I yawn crawl out from under my sheets with my head spinning, momentarily disoriented. I unhurriedly sit up in bed, rubbing my eyelids as I adjust back to these surroundings I know so well by heart: my teenage bedroom, which is currently being invaded by the big brown-haired whirlwind who is giving me an inquisitive look, waiting for me to finish coming back to reality.

- Is old age kicking in already? - She says with a sly smile painted on her face.

Her comment, which she usually makes annually to get on my nerves, has no effect on me this time. I will not indulge her.

- Good morning, Aali. - I suddenly exclaim smiling, taking her by surprise as I go over to hug her much to her chagrin. - It's a beautiful morning, don't you think?

Wrapped in my arms, my sister looks at me like I am a science experiment gone wrong and I've grown two heads as a result. She blinks rapidly and frowns analyzing me for a while without saying anything as my smile grows at her obvious confusion. What, she's never seen me this happy before? I have every reason to be.

- Shawn, are you feeling okay? Did something happen to you during the trip? - She questions incredulously and her expression changes once again to utter terror as she turns away from me. - Do you have Covid?!

- No! And that's not funny, Aaliyah.

I punch her arm playfully and dodge her to go get a t-shirt from my closet because it's getting a little chilly. My sister follows me closely around the small room.

- Just saying, old man. I don't want to get infected after all the sacrifices I had to make to take care of myself from that fucking virus. - She replies, throwing up her hands dramatically.

- Was it a big sacrifice to stop seeing a bad imitation of me for a week? That's funny.

- Leave Jordan alone and don't judge me, you took off the first chance you got to be with you-know-who. I don't know how she put up with you for so long, she's a real saint... - She laughs amused and it's impossible for me not to follow her game.

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