Dec.23.17/My Curse (1/2)

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Track #11: Why


Shawn's POV

December 23, 2017

I get out of the shower in a hurry and barely have time to put on a pair of boxers and a towel wrapped around my waist before I run to the door to greet whoever is trying to break it down. For a moment I thought it would be Andrew, but he would have called me, and it's not like he had a reason to come bother me while on vacation either. So that leaves...

- What are you doing here? - I growl, twisting my face in complete disgust.

- You should put on a pair of pants.

The uninvited guest pushes me aside and enters my apartment as if it were his own home. I clench my fists, closing the door behind me.

- Brian, what are you doing here, and talk fast because I'm going out. - I mumble.

- With who? - He raises an intrigued eyebrow. He doesn't even care about what I just said and is already taking a seat in the dining room.

- Hailey. - I reply quickly in hopes that he'll leave me alone.

My red-haired friend frowns and looks at me in confusion.

- Oh, you're still together? - His surprise is evident.

- I wouldn't say "together" - I make the clarification. - She's just my friend.

- Just like Camila is your friend? - He pushes me, knowing I'll get defensive.

- It's different. - I hiss, rolling my eyes.

I turn my back to him to head to my room and finish getting dressed. Hailey will be waiting for me at the park in a few minutes. My annoying friend keeps chattering out of my line of sight, a door separates us but that won't stop him from giving me his point of view on my personal life. I hate that he's so intrusive.

- Oh, Shawn. You fall in love so fast. - He murmurs amidst a prolonged theatrical sigh.

- What are you talking about? I'm not in love with her.

- You're a case. You never realize your feelings in time.

- I'm not in love with her. - I repeat in a louder voice.

I feel attacked... again. I've been accused of this before, but there's no need to worry. Hailey is just a friend, really. We met at the right time and everything has been fine between us. It was around October, at a photo shoot. She was there; I was getting ready to leave the place, when we both accidentally bumped into each other. I apologized, bought her a coffee and we hit it off immediately. Nothing I couldn't control.

- But are you going to deny that you don't like her one bit? - He had to ask just that.

- Well...

I'm not able to answer. If I'm honest with myself I am attracted to Hailey; I mean who isn't, she's pretty, funny and gentle. But I still don't know if to the point of seeing her as a girlfriend. She's not looking to be my girlfriend either, we talked about this. We're just having fun, for the moment... Even if we're just going to parties, concerts, a dinner. Whatever, I'm happy with that.

- There it is. Why are you doing this to yourself, my friend? - Brian insists with a reproachful tone. - What happened with Camila?

- Nothing happened with Camila. - I hasten to emphasize, opening the door to face him. - That's the point. After the kiss everything became... very weird between us. And I think it's better for me to keep my distance.

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