Nov.3.20/World Without You (2/2)

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[Gosh, it was so hard for me to stay off social media to avoid spoilers until I saw CINDERELLA, that I entertained myself by writing this chapter instead. What did you think of the movie?! I loved it, I laughed, I cried, I sang, I danced. Everyone was outstanding and especially our Mila. The characters, the costumes, the music... I can't stop smiling]


Track #37: Can't Imagine


Shawn's POV

November 3, 2020

I open my eyes, getting used to the bright morning light, feeling to my left the curvaceous figure of Camila stirring in the sheets a little restless, still sound asleep. Her breathing is heavy and steady, and I listen to her silently for fear of waking her. She hasn't been sleeping very well in the last few days, the strain of work has her a little stressed and her spirits are low. I know how it feels, so I prefer to let her rest as long as I can, keeping my eyes fixed on the delicate profile of her face.

She mumbles incoherent words to me in her sleep and calms down a bit as I run my fingers through her short wavy hair. Her pale skin bristles at the light touch and I hear her sigh once more before she turns to me and wraps her small arms around my torso.

- Good morning, mi amor. - She babbles without even opening her eyes, resting her head on my chest.

- Good morning, mi vida.

Mila smiles adorably and I can't resist leaning over her to kiss her soft crimson lips. Her brazen tongue makes its way into my mouth making me gasp for air, intoxicated by her sweet scent. I groan as she pulls away a few minutes later ending the intense kiss.

- I'm dead tired. I feel like I didn't sleep at all. - She mumbles in a pout finally letting me see her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

- I have no idea what time you came to bed. It was after midnight when I fell asleep waiting for you.

- I'm sorry, baby. I had so much to do. - She frowns and yawns wiping a few tears from the corners of her eyes. - And I'm far from finished...

- Is there anything I can be of help with, my pretty Cinderella? - I say playfully stealing another kiss making her laugh.

- Right now I don't know papo, but if I think of anything I promise I'll let you know, ok? - She looks at me with a shy sideways smile that makes my heart race.

- Okay, my little sunflower.

- We should start making T-shirts with all the nicknames we give each other. - She says teasingly, totally blushing.

- Why t-shirts if tattoos exist?

- Right. - She laughs. Her restless fingers stroke my side over my newest tattoo as she scrutinizes it closely. - I still can't believe you did this. It was such a cute surprise.

- You've already marked me for life just by existing, this is just a reminder. - I whisper intertwining my hand with hers, as small and delicate as porcelain.

Her eyes shine enchantingly without losing sight of me for a second, just like mine, detailing every corner of her beautiful face that inevitably blushes at so much intensity that surrounds us, shaking us from head to toe.

I'd like to stay like this with her, tangled in the sheets for the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing but resting, but... we have a very important matter pending.

- Shall we... go to the animal shelter later as we had agreed? - I comment nervously waiting for her answer, which doesn't take long to arrive.

- YES! Let's go right now before you regret it.

Songs For You - (Shawmila, The Story) Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now