Oct.19.19/Missing You

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Track #29: Dream Of You


Camila's POV

October 19, 2019

Romance, what a ride it has been dear friend... Going from love to heartbreak and back to love is... quite intense, but oh my, the experience is memorable. It feels like a roller coaster that never stops, and the wagon continues to climb steadily keeping me on top. I can see it all from the top, excitement and fear coursing through my veins, in anticipation of whatever is about to happen. Whether it's good or bad... I just know I won't fall into the void this time. Not as long as I have him in my life....

I stop daydreaming as soon as the swift footsteps of someone in the distance come closer and closer to my bedroom. The door bursts open revealing my little sister jumping up and down like crazy with her phone in her hands, giggling over something I have no idea what it's about.

- Can I help you? I'm busy. - I complain mockingly getting up from my bed to close the curtains.

My room looks like a cave at this point, it's my refuge. I only leave here to get food or go to the bathroom, and in other circumstances... to the airport. I keep telling myself I'm not depressed, but it's a total lie. Other people may think I'm fine. Inside, my energy is draining. It's been a very difficult month. I've been... surviving. If that's what you can call sleeping overtime and choking on ice cream late at night.

- Kaki, I know you don't do much networking and such, but you have to see this. - Sofi laughs covering her mouth.

I raise an eyebrow now full of curiosity and approach her to see the cause of her laughing fit. It doesn't take long for me to join her, both of us falling onto my bed at the ridiculousness of the situation. What bullshit these media people come up with, I think to myself, denying in disbelief as I read the story.

- Would you send it to me? Por favor.

Almost out of breath and grateful for this distraction I was missing today, I upload the photo to my Instagram tagging my boyfriend so he can laugh with me for a while.

~ Camila_Cabello: Well when THE FUCK were you gonna tell me @shawnmendes ~

Imagine finding out through social media that your boyfriend ended the relationship you fought so hard for

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Imagine finding out through social media that your boyfriend ended the relationship you fought so hard for... I can't believe the nerve these people have to assume things they have no idea how they work. They're not even good enough to look for hard evidence....

Sofi leaves the way she came still with a smirk etched on her face and I go back to my work, waiting for the moment Shawn replies back to me. I know he's on his day off in Australia, probably having the time of his life. Meanwhile me... dying of boredom every half hour. I seriously have nothing productive to do at home. It's Watt's birthday tomorrow, maybe I'll go if I can't think of something else on the way.

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