Thank U!

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I'm sad to announce that the previous chapter is probably the last of this era, and I didn't want to leave without giving you a great ending with all the details, which I hope you liked... 😜🔥

Let me clarify a couple of things:

1. If I decide to continue with these real life inspired stories (starting from 2021), I'd rather wait until *Familia* is released and then we'll see what happens in a sequel, maybe? If you guys want it...

2. You don't know this, but I have a professional career far away from this literary world that will keep me busy for a while; but I love writing, so don't worry, I'm not going away yet. I will do my best to keep writing more stories, with varied themes. Feel free to follow me if you wish.


Finally, I wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun writing for you guys and the amount of love I received this year fills my soul. At one point I thought about giving up and quitting everything because there were complicated things going on in my life, but I'm glad I was able to get through it and make it this far. Thank you so much for reading me and for all your support!

What a chaotically beautiful journey it has been... I definitely learned a lot from Shawn and Camila, their successful careers, their families and the beautiful people they are despite the constant scrutiny they have been under in this heavy industry, managing to maintain their essence to this day.

In the process I even found beautiful friendships, I also learned many things about myself that I didn't know, to just be a human being and to enjoy the little beautiful things that this crazy life brings. Remember, be kind to yourself and others, stay healthy and do your best to find your happiness! Xoxo

And as Shawn once said, "Cool, that's good for now." ❤❤

~ Valentina. (11.11.2021)


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Songs For You - (Shawmila, The Story) Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now