Dec.24.20/Familia (4/5)

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Track #38: The Christmas Song


Shawn's POV

December 24, 2020

The shrill sound of the windshield wipers doing their nimble work is the only thing that distracts me from all the chaos the city has been plunged into in less than 24 hours. I watch the tiny snowflakes accumulating in the corners of the thick layer of glass that protects me from the outside as they fall from the sky, painting almost the entire landscape a pristine white in this new dusk. The tall green pine trees, along with the thousands of lit lights from the businesses and houses on the side of the road are what bring the rest to life, and I smile at the beautiful view.

How good it is to be back in Pickering... Lord knows I've never missed this place as much as I have this year. It seems like a lifetime has passed since I was an ordinary kid walking around holding dad's hand, building ugly snowmen or running away in a hurry after throwing balls at my sister who would burst into tears every time she failed to get back at me with her lousy aim, but we always ended up lying on the cold blanket of the park laughing our lungs out as the snow turned to liquid soaking our outfits.

And now, it's my sister's turn to laugh but alongside my girlfriend....

My visibility is limited as I cross the main street of my parents' neighborhood and park on the side of the road in front of the porch. I turn off the car and the first thing I hear is a collective of hysterical laughter coming from inside the house, and from where I am I can see through the open window Camila and Aali playing with Tarzan, who lets himself be pampered while they take a thousand and one pictures of him from every possible angle as if he were a collectible doll. Very adorable, by the way.

My gaze can't help but stray exclusively to my lovely girl

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My gaze can't help but stray exclusively to my lovely girl. A giant childish grin adorns her beautiful porcelain face framed by the messy curls of her short hair as she makes sure her (or my, our, whatever) gray sweater doesn't slip out of position over her tiny shoulders, insulating her from the terrifying cold she must also be feeling. However, it gets out of place as she jumps up and down excitedly when she manages to take the picture she wants and dances uncontrollably around the kitchen with her exuberant good humor.

I meant it... She lights the room up without trying. As bright, energetic, strong and powerful as a star. She makes me feel like I'm out of this world; that I float in a galaxy when I see her. Every time, without fail.

It's simply Camila's magic, that keeps me spellbound... Like I'm awake inside a dream. A very nice dream.

A tapping on my window brings me back to reality and mum is outside waving her hand at me, welcoming me. I lower the glass to greet her properly as I quickly unbuckle my seat belt.

- You've been cooped up in there for a long time. Is everything okay, honey? - Her brow furrows in concern.

- Oh... Yes, mum. - I stammer, feeling my cheeks burn. - I was... thinking how to get this inside without them noticing. - I smile innocently and point to the few kraft paper boxes stacked on the passenger seat.

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