Nov.24.20/Familia (1/5)

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Track #38: The Christmas Song


Camila's POV

November 24, 2020

- Bitch, you almost raped him on that stage and I am living for it!

Sara's scream makes me explode into uncontrollable laughter because she is soooo right.

We're both watching the preview of my boyfriend's live concert that will be released at midnight, although it's new to her and more like a replay for me since I was lucky enough to be with him right up there on stage...doing just what my friend mentions.

- Well... in my defense, Shawn kept throwing me his sexy little looks. I had to take advantage of the heat of the moment and put on a good show.

- Don't play the saintly pigeon, Camila. You were also provoking him with that indecent dance.

Well, if I told you what happened in rehearsals and afterwards... you wouldn't believe me, Sara.

I feel my skin boil at the thought and I inevitably blush as I am transported back to those events of the previous year. I still can't quite get used to what that man provokes in me. And now everyone will be able to see a small part of that burning fire between the two of us on their screens in high definition. At least I didn't risk making out with him like I really wanted to... I hope the producers put some warning at the beginning.

I continue talking with my blonde friend, catching up on this somewhat hectic month for both of us with our respective projects as I wander down the hall to the bathroom, getting ready to go out later with Shawn and a few of his friends who are here in town.

I'm distracted for a second when light footsteps on the tiles get louder and louder as they get closer to where I am and I see him peek his furry head out the door.

- Hello, mi niño. - I call him, waiting for him to come into my arms. Tarzan just whines without moving from his position. - Come to mama, Tarzan.

- He is so sweet, C.

- He is, right? He's a lovely little thing.

I sit on the floor cradling him gently as he comes lazily to me, intoxicated by his soft scent of perfumed talcum powder. He wags his tail looking at me intently and I am unable to do anything but give him little kisses on his head and stroke his soft fur until he squirms in my arms for me to release him. He paces around the bathroom a couple of times sniffing everything he can reach and finally lays down next to me like a ball in a fetal position. Shawn is right, he is very fidgety. But that's normal, he's a baby. Our baby.

- Too bad Aunt Sara isn't here to meet you in person

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- Too bad Aunt Sara isn't here to meet you in person. - I mumble just watching him doze off.

- Bestie, as soon as all this chaos is over and we've been vaccinated we're going to get drunk as hell. - She promises me in a firm voice.

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