May.2.19/Too Late

399 18 23

Track #18: Should've Said It


Camila's POV

May 2, 2019

I escape from the hands of my sister who pretends to stuff my face with freshly packed flour in a large metal bowl on the kitchen counter. She laughs as she manages to smear the ends of my hair while our abuelita scolds her for wasting the ingredients for the cake they plan to make for tonight for the release of my best friend's single. There was no need to make a whole celebration about it, but Sofia insisted and apparently we do what she says here.

I help my abuelita uncork the jar of homemade guava jam we got at a local market and she adds it to her mix prepared in the blender. Getting all the ingredients to make the original *pasteles de guayaba we love is a bit of a challenge, so we'll have to make do with this.

I leave the two damsels to continue their masterful preparation in the midst of a disastrous kitchen and retire to the dining room to continue with my work affairs, shaking out my floured hair with a kitchen towel.

Sofia has left all her devices mixed in with mine and I struggle to identify which phone is ringing stridently imploring to be answered. Under a set of princess stickers hides said device which I answer immediately when I see it's Roger.

- Camila, I hope you are well with your family. I just wanted to let you know that I sent Sara with a couple of your things that were in the studio.

- Oh, that wasn't necessary. I'll be back tomorrow.

- She insisted. - He clarifies somewhat embarrassed. - Sorry to bother you on your day off.

- Roger, please. I never have a day off. - I joke, looking at my computer where more work awaits me.

- Well, that was it. See you tomorrow.

He hangs up leaving me with the doubt installed in my subconscious. Why did Sara insist on coming to my house? She and I don't have anything pending.... I guess I'll soon find out.

I immerse myself in long readings of contracts that I will have to pass on to Gian once they are signed and focus mainly on editing the demos I plan to record tomorrow with Mark, losing my mind with all this information. I wish it was just that...

"It is stated that Sony Pictures is undertaking the production of the film work entitled Cinderella (rebel dreamer) and is therefore interested in hiring Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao in order to provide her professional services for the aforementioned film".

I have butterflies in my stomach as I read my name on the screen once again. Of course the news was already announced last month in all the entertainment portals, but this is just additional paperwork, as I will not only be acting... I will also be involved in the musical production! Somebody pinch my arm because I can't believe it!

 I will also be involved in the musical production! Somebody pinch my arm because I can't believe it!

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