January 2016/Time To Give Up

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Track #6: Like This


Shawn's POV

January 2016

One step, two steps, three steps. I see my reflection in the window of the glass doors at the top of the stairs, undecided about what to do next. You'd better get your head on straight, Shawn.

A sky overcast with gray clouds greets me as I arrive at the studio, matching my somber emotions. The cold penetrates me to my bones stabbing like daggers. My jacket is not helping at all to insulate me from the cold temperatures, I should have worn gloves but in my haste I left them at home. The contrast between this weather and Miami is quite drastic, I'm not surprised to be a bit cold this morning.

I'm running late, I told Andrew I'd meet him here and my mum offered to bring me after dropping Aali off at school. I really didn't want to face anyone today, but there's nothing I can do to stop it. There's a tight schedule to keep track of before the big tour. I sigh resignedly and set off, pushing through the doors to enter the building, take the elevator to the third floor and look for the reserved room Drew texted me about. Three pairs of eyes stare at me when I finally make an appearance.

- Look who's back! - Scott claps his hands together, opening a space on the small couch so I can sit next to him.

- Hey guys... and Brian. - I mumble looking at the red-head who seems to have nothing better to do than intrude on our private sessions.

I drop my backpack on the floor looking inside for my notebook and pale when I don't see my personal phone in any of the pockets. Damn...

- How did it go in Miami? - Scott asks.

A shy smile forms on my lips as I am transported back to past events with Camila.

- Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? - Brian holds onto Geoff's arm, both of them with shocked faces.

- If you're talking about the weird expression on his face, then yes.

- Shawn, do we have to take you to the hospital? - Scott mumbles as if he fears for my safety. I roll my eyes at how childish they are being.

- Quickly! Call Andrew.

- Grow up already. - I snort turning away from them.

Uneasy and somewhat uncomfortable with all this attention, I walk to the window overlooking the street, opening it despite the cold. I need to breathe clean air to calm down and keep my thoughts in check inside my head.

- Did something happen? - Brian pats my back. I turn to look at them, not quite sure what to tell them.

- It must be something juicy because he's more lit than a Christmas tree. - Geoff scoffs along with Scott keeping their distance. How clever.

- It's probably got something to do with a girl.

- You think so? He's such a chicken I doubt he's ever been involved with anyone.

- Are you sure about that? - I refute without thinking, clenching my fists at my sides. I'm not a chicken, I just don't want to be the one who ruins everything...

My words only increase their interest and in a second I am surrounded by the three men. If I could jump out of the window I would for sure, but the chances of me staying alive are extremely low.

- So something did happen. With a girl? - Brian's excitement is making me nervous.

- Is it someone we know?

- Why aren't you guys working? - Andrew's voice rises above theirs and I allow myself to breathe easier, thinking it's the end of the conversation. How wrong you were, Shawn.

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