July.4.19/I'll Risk It All (2/4)

707 21 11

Track #25: Used To This


Camila's POV

July 4, 2019

I'm stupid, how in the world did it occur to me that it was a good idea to turn him down? It was more than clear that we both wanted to continue what we started. I still feel the tingling on my lips as I remember last night and vaguely wonder if we'll be like that again soon?

I gasp when my phone rings on my dresser with a new message.

Canada <3: ~ Señorita, I'm letting you know it's going to be a white themed party. I'll pick you up in an hour x~

Couldn't you let me know earlier? Now I'll have to take off my blue suit that I very patiently searched for and ironed yesterday to wear something else. I don't have much time, my hair is a mess full of knots and there's not a single white garment in sight in my closet. Mendes, I'm gonna kill you when I see you....

Sofi comes to my aid, amused to see me so upset, and finally throws an old lace dress she found in one of the drawers in my face. I don't love it, but it will have to do some good, right? I put on my high platforms, a pair of earrings and that's it. I hope my late night face doesn't show; I stayed up until about 2 a.m. just thinking about him, and then I fell asleep and dreamed about him. I'm definitely out of my mind. It's like no one else exists but him....

- Kaki! - Sofi screams hitting my arm, with more force than necessary I must say. I rub my arm looking at her. - I think Shawn is already here.

I drop the comb with which I was brushing my hair and my heart beats wildly just hearing his name. I stop my sister from attending the door, running past her, almost tripping on the stairs. If my reflexes had failed me, instead of going to the party I would be on my way to the hospital. And all because of him... He has me acting different as if I've never spent time with him before at different events. It's just Shawn, Camila, relax!

I get my shit together by taking a deep breath and open the door without waiting for him to have raised his hand to knock. His initial surprise is replaced by a soft smile as he scans me from head to toe with absolutely no sass. You can look at me all you want, Shawn....

- How's the prettiest girl in the world? - He murmurs winking and I feel myself faint just with that gesture, if his voice doesn't kill me first.

- I couldn't be better now that you're here. - I answer truthfully, blushing.

He smiles wider if possible, leaning in to steal a kiss from me which I gladly continue until my lungs are empty of air. My lips burn as he pulls away from me.

- Did you sleep well? - He asks, caressing my face gently.

- Not really.

- Do I have to worry? - He smiles sideways but I sense his dismay.

- No, it's just me. - I shake my head not wanting to admit that my lack of sleep is due to him. - Are we leaving already? - I change the subject and he laughs at me.

He stops me at the entrance as I'm about to leave and close the door. I raise an eyebrow wondering what else we are waiting for before we leave.

- Let me say hello to Sinu first. - He asks sweetly holding my hand. - She's inside, isn't she?

- Yes... - I hesitate for a second not knowing if I should let him in.

It's the first time he comes into my house and the first time he'll see my family being my... whatever we are now. Let's leave it at we're just friends... with benefits.

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