May.27.19/Let The Battle Begin

399 19 14

Track #19: This Love


Camila's POV

May 27, 2019

- Do you want me to come with you?

- No, honey, I'll be fine, it's just a business meeting. - I smile affectionately, reaching out to kiss him.

- Tell your friend to be careful, you don't want him to cross the line again... - He mutters looking at me with resentment. He's upset, it's obvious. Well Matthew, that makes two of us.

He lets go of my hand to go lock himself in my impromptu studio and work on his business, pulling his hair out in frustration at everything that's going on. And it's all Shawn's fault for sticking his nose where no one called him. This makes me sick, as if I have him seeping through my veins carrying nothing but poison throughout my body, ending in my heart that sadly does not belong to him and never will.

Why does that fact sadden me? He was late Camila, he missed his chance, remember that. You can't fall for his games again, it's over.

I haven't even seen him face to face and he already has me tormented. He knows how to fuck me up without even trying, and Matthew is right, Shawn crossed the line, again. But it hurts me to think about what I'm about to do, and I can't help it. Will one day this ever stop hurting?

I grab my purse ready to face this disgrace once and for all. Mamá looks at me with concern not really knowing what to say, but I don't need to hear her to understand that she fears for Shawn, he's like her lost son and she wouldn't want to see him walk away from me. My sister thinks the same thing and makes me promise to try to make things right with him, as if that were possible.

- He can be my friend anyway, right? - She asks innocently and I want to cry. The last thing I want is to break my little sister's heart.

- We'll see, Sofi. - I pat her head unable to give her a real answer.

- Karla, ¿estás lista? - Papá calls me from the garage with the car keys in his hands to take me to the meeting point.

- Good luck, baby. - Mamá hugs me and Sofi joins us a moment later.

I do need a lot of luck.


I say goodbye to papá and get out of the car with my legs shaking, my breath hitching and sweating from nerves. Across the street I can see the subject of my nightmares. In the restaurant open to the public eye is Shawn sitting at one of the first tables, dressed in his typical black jeans, a blue t-shirt and his boots protecting his feet that won't stop shaking restlessly. Does he have any idea of the storm that's coming?

He is drinking from a water bottle, scrolling through his phone unconcerned about life around him when I decide to approach. I try not to draw too much attention to myself and am thankful that there are only a few people in the place. Some give me sideways glances but I ignore them as best I can.

- May I sit down?

He lifts his head suddenly, his big brown eyes lighter than usual thanks to the sunlight reflecting off them. Something in my expression must surprise him because he merely nods, leaving his phone on the table. I feel the need to put distance between us so I take a seat across from him, crossing my arms to protect myself.

We haven't said a word until the waiter asks for our order. Shawn says that he already had breakfast before leaving the hotel so he leaves me free to eat whatever I want. Slowly he starts a somewhat awkward conversation, mainly about work, but I'm not in the mood to add much to the topic when my mind is elsewhere.

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