Aug.9.19/I Can't Stop Falling In Love (2/3)

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(WARNING: +18) 🔥

Track #27: Higher


Shawn's POV

August 9, 2019

I wake up feeling truly terrible, like I've been hit with a fucking brick. My head is spinning non-stop and I struggle to even open my eyes fully with the small sliver of light peeking through the curtains of the room I'm in. Of course I have no idea how and at what time I got here. The party was still going on on the roof of the hotel when I decided to leave at some point... with Camila.

Bursts of memories come back to my mind. Not of last night, but of what happened last year. When I had my heart broken in this same city due to the same girl that, despite everything, I never stopped fighting for. But today is different. It's a beautiful start, so beautiful that it seems like a dream from which I don't want to wake up... Before I was all alone and sad Camila, but I waited, and now I feel complete because I have you....

That time I told myself I would never drink like that again, but here I am. The hangover I have is the worst. Drowsily I stretch my aching muscles and carefully sit on the edge of the bed wondering where she is. I had gotten used to waking up next to her these past couple of days and it saddens me to know that soon we will be drifting apart again. Not for long, but if it were my choice I would stay 24 hours with her.

I'm very sleepy... Why did I wake up in the first place?

The answer comes thanks to the sound of dishes clattering together as if they had been dropped and a faint smell of burning outside the room. I stop for a moment in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my pale face before hurrying off to the kitchen of the small apartment we're staying in this week.

I watch the scene in front of me very intently. Singing 'Slow Dancing In a Burning Room' in a soft tune, my girlfriend tries to make a decent breakfast, scantily clad in one of my shirts that fits her too big and her hair messed up in a bun. Damn, she's so beautiful!

I silently spy her from the dining room table holding back a laugh. It smells like burnt oil, a number of dirty dishes and pans are piled up on the side of the counter, while an unknown liquid is dripping from one of the cabinets. What is she doing?

- Good morning, Mila. - I murmur at last announcing my presence.

My dear, messy girl startles, dropping the fork with which she was whisking something in a bowl, super concentrated. Her face is a poem and fills me with tenderness. She obviously doesn't know what she's doing.

- Shawn, what are you doing up so early? - She asks nervously, turning again to keep an eye on the pan in front of her that's sizzling oil all over the place. - I thought you'd sleep in later.

- And I would have, had it not been for a certain someone trying to burn down the apartment. - I reply with a small smile, even though she's not looking at me. She laughs while chopping something on a board.

- I left you an aspirin there. - She points to the kitchen island where a glass of water rests ready for me to drink. - I guess you need it.

- Thanks, babe.

I approach to take it with a grimace of displeasure. I hate medicine of any kind. I put up with anxiety pills once in a while, but they are horrible. At least I'm better in that area and I haven't taken them in months....

Camila laughingly tells me that she had strange dreams all night, terrifying to her. Fed up with that, she got up around 8AM to continue with her routine of meditation exercises, which she tries to do daily to improve her mental health that she needs so much in these times. She has advised me to do the same but I have been very careless about it.

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