Aug.8.19/I Can't Stop Falling In Love (1/3)

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Track #27: Higher


Shawn's POV

August 8, 2019

The blaring music almost drowns out my confused thoughts. Spotlights and small candlelit lanterns set the mood on the top of the roof in New York City in the middle of summer, the scene of my 21st birthday. How quickly time passes. I have now joined the group of those who can legally drink in this country, and I'm certainly making the most of it. My head is buzzing; not to the point of passing out but my balance is quite precarious. Shawn, enough with the alcohol! I lean my back against the railing, gladly taking in the breeze that clears my head a bit and counteracts the heat I'm feeling tonight. I'm sweating so soon and the party is far from over.

I look around me carefully. My friends are enjoying the good food and cocktails are being passed around, whole trays disappearing and being replaced by the staff Andrew hired. I had no problem bringing everyone here, with all the amenities they deserve for being a part of my life. I am grateful for every one of them.

Mum and dad are waiting in the driveway for the blissful cake they sent out to make, while my sister is destroying the impromptu dance floor with my girlfriend amidst the sea of people. I smile as I watch Camila try to teach her the Macarena without much success. They both laugh at something I don't hear and my heart flutters with happiness as I watch them embrace each other warmly. This is wonderful...

Camila catches me looking at them and grabs my sister's hand that stops for a drink for herself before running towards me in her high heels.

- How are my girls in red? - I joke approaching Camila to steal a chaste kiss that annoys my sister.

- We twins are having fun! - Shouts Aali bumping her hips with Camila and drinks from her glass with contents unknown to me.

- What are you drinking? - I ask with a frown. Camila laughs softly tapping my side.

- A non-alcoholic cocktail. - Her tone is innocent and she turns away from me so I can't check for myself. - Old man, relax.

- I'm not old, okay? - I groan catching her before she goes too far away, planting a kiss on her cheek much to her chagrin.

The flash of a camera catches my attention and I turn to see my smiling girlfriend with her phone in her hands pointing at us

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The flash of a camera catches my attention and I turn to see my smiling girlfriend with her phone in her hands pointing at us.

- You guys look so cute when you fight. - She murmurs playfully looking at the picture she just took.

- And you haven't seen much of anything. - Aali teases pushing me away from her to stand next to my girlfriend. - Mila, will you join me in the bathroom?

- Sure, Aali. But give me a second, okay?

My sister nods as she goes to the snack table stopping to talk to a few of her friends. Camila looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes that cast a spell on me and makes me smile. Every single time.

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