Dec.31.20/Familia (5/5)

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[A/N: Camila's whole POV is a bonus scene I wanted to give you all and... it's pretty intense and descriptive, OK? Just a double warning... LMFAO - Then you will need tissues xoxo]


(WARNING: +18) 🔥🔥😈😈

Track #38: The Christmas Song


Camila's POV

December 31, 2020

I, probably one of the candidates to be crowned the world's messiest, sigh incredibly satisfied, feeling more than proud as I look around at a neat, nice, pleasing to the eye apartment, without the remote possibility of someone arriving to ruin so much perfection that has kept me busy for most of the afternoon.

Shawn super agrees that cleaning is not one of my favorite things to do, but I wasn't about to let the New Year greet us with an apartment looking worse than a pigsty; and to think we've only been here a week... Sure, we could have hired the professionals to take care of it, but I wouldn't be as happy. Sometimes it's better to do things myself and not always depend on others.

Already happy with the results, I turn off and unplug the vacuum cleaner, putting it back in its place, ready to finish rearranging the ornaments that I had cleverly left inside a box to avoid breaking them by mere chance. I smile wistfully as I come across a photo of Shawn and I taken precisely on a day like today a year ago, hugging, with big smiles on our faces and all the commotion happening behind us totally ignored because we were only seeing each other, but I get distracted when my phone starts ringing in my pocket with a call that I fail to answer, receiving a text message instead.

Aali: ~Hi, Mila Milaaaa. I wanted to let you know that your baby arrived home safe and sound with me as promised. Over and out :P ~

Me: ~Thank you, my cute sis-in-law. <3 I'll see you later, ok? ~

Aali: ~Of course!!! Kisses xxxx~

I feel so much better knowing that she's taking care of Tarzan while we get the apartment ready for one more meeting with the family tonight.

The sliding door to the terrace opens and I turn briefly to face my boyfriend who enters looking like a sexy Harry Potter with his reading glasses, blushing cheeks and a lock of hair falling on his forehead; very focused on the small notebook in his hands.

- How interesting is what you're reading? - I murmur teasingly catching his attention as I go on with my chores.

- Quite. - He nods giving me a lopsided smile, approaching me at a slow pace. - Your album is on the right track. Although it fills me with intrigue to see that at least 6 songs out of 10 are a little racy....

- Really, honey? - I say, pretending I hadn't noticed that, but I can't help but let out a chuckle, agreeing with him completely.

Without missing a beat, Shawn sits down next to me on the stool I'm on, cornering me against his big black piano, and takes advantage of the fact that I've been paralyzed by his proximity to remove the cloth with which I was trying to meticulously clean one of his many picture frames. My heart races wildly at the light touch of our legs. I am no longer laughing.

- I really like what I've read so far, beautiful. - He whispers and I allow myself to breathe again despite the sudden tension that engulfs us. - I just wonder where all this inspiration is coming from.

- Hmm... Maybe there's a guy out there who drives me crazy on a daily basis, you know? - I shrink back, daring to take off his glasses to put them on my face under his watchful gaze.

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