Dec.29.15/Tearing Down My Barriers (1/2)

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Track #5: Mercy


Shawn's POV

December 29, 2015

I knot the drawstring on my pants, quickly slip on a pair of runners and slip a sweater over my thin, pale arms. The clock on my bedroom wall reads 6:35 AM and I know I have little time before Andrew makes an appearance to do some laps around the neighborhood. I look in the mirror, black bags under my eyes and my hair looks like it's been used to clean up grime. I sigh in exhaustion. This album is completely consuming me, but I'm not complaining. At least it's on the right track and it looks like it will be ready just before next year's tour. The Tour... Goodbye to sleeping, eating and Camila.

The memory of her name makes me notice the lack of sound of notifications on my phone like every morning. She usually texts me as soon as she starts her work day and it puts a smile on my face every time. I'm not smiling this time, because a quick scan of the room confirms to me that the phone is not where it should be, right next to the clock on my nightstand plugged into the wall.

- Aaliyah! Where is my phone?

Like a little cat not even making a sound she appears on my doorstep, with her innocent face and hands hidden behind her back.

- I don't know what you're talking about. - She mumbles, opening her eyes.

- Aali, my phone. - My voice is firm and I extend my palm in her direction waiting for what I asked for.

- I don't have it. - She shakes her head. Her brown curls bouncing from the movement.

- Aali... - She runs off without letting me finish. - Aali!

- What's all the fuss? - Mum intervenes, walking down the hall. - Now what's the matter with you two?

My sister hides behind her and pokes her head out to look at me, holding back the urge to laugh. I cross my arms in front of both of them in annoyance.

- Tell her to give me back my phone. - I plead to my mum, who sighs, finally understanding the situation.

- Aali, daughter. Please give the phone back to your brother. It's too early in the morning for you two to be fighting.

She rolls her eyes and pulls it out of her back pocket to obey the order. I'm about to take it when she pulls it out of my grasp at the last second. I clench my fists in frustration with her childish attitude.

- Tell Camila that you're a fool and that I hope to meet her soon. I hear she has a sister, is that true? - She gives me a light punch in the side.

- She's younger than you. - I reply ignoring her first comment.

She nods and finally lets me take the object of contention. I can't help but turn on the screen right after, looking for some new message, but the excitement is replaced by disappointment when I only see Andrew, Scott and Brian on the list. Is it too early by any chance? Well, it's not even 7am Shawn, of course it is. Let the poor soul sleep.

I put the device away from my sister's prying hands and follow my mum to the dining room table. I take a seat at the usual breakfast spot and wait for a plate full of fruit to be placed on the table like every morning. I'm going to miss my mum's meals now that I'll soon be gone. Look on the bright side... There is no bright side. What am I kidding myself for?

- Good morning, family. - Dad comes in smiling.

He kisses my mum, shakes Aali's hair, who moans, and bumps his fist with mine winking towards the door. I frown looking in that direction and a man's profile is visible through the glass. I get up to open to find Andrew shaking the water droplets on his raincoat. I hadn't noticed it was raining.

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