Dec.2.20/Familia (3/5)

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~Special thanks to NoahxShawn for helping me in a way to write this chapter. Love you, gurl!~ 🇲🇽❤

(A/N): Looks like I was super inspired because it ended up being longer than usual. Some characters are just made up by me. I hope you guys enjoy it... Xoxo


(WARNING: +18) 🔥

Track #38: The Christmas Song


Camila's POV

December 2, 2020

Having finished my brief, relaxing and well-deserved beauty ritual, I leave the bathroom, closing the door behind me and screaming my head off when a pair of strong hands grab me by the waist, obviously without warning. My heart is pounding wildly wanting to burst out of my chest, and I turn around to face my assailant with narrowed eyes as he laughs heartily at the whole situation, which to me is not funny at all.

- Ho-ho-ho! Good morning, mi Reina. - He says singingly, leaning in ready to kiss me.

- You don't know how much I hate it when you do that to me, Shawn! I almost died. - I complain in disgust and lightly tap his arm as a reprimand for the fright he just gave me.

I dodge him walking into the long hallway on the 1st floor but he follows me closely anyway, calling my name when I don't immediately respond to his pleas, asking for my forgiveness. I pretend I'm deaf, with a little lopsided smile that he can't see.

The truth is, I'm not upset... I just like to... see him suffer a little bit now and then. Keeping him at bay... alert and expectant.

- Mila... I was just playing. I'm sorry. - He mumbles in a rather apologetic tone and I could swear he's pouting.

He's so damn adorable when he wants to be!

- Well, for your information I don't like these games, honey. - I snort with my arms crossed, stopping my steps and turning on my axis to look straight into that perfect face I love so much. - As far as I'm concerned if you're going to make me scream then let it be for other reasons, don't you think?

- Uh! Ok... - He smiles a giant grin as he catches the not at all subtle message behind my words. - Challenge accepted, beautiful.

- No! No, no... - I start to exclaim in a frenzy, shaking my head in denial at the sudden change in his eyes, darker and filled with lust.

Why did you open your mouth, Camila? It's way too early for you to be making these reckless insinuations controlled by a hormone-fueled feast.

In my defense, I needed to release some of the tension I'm feeling.

I can't even remember when was the last time Shawn and I were really alone. Between both of us working hard, coupled with having to deal with thousands of crises and personal issues day in and day out, living under the same roof with my parents... so many doors closed on us to have some privacy, it took us a while to realize that even our intimacy took some distance.

I still don't know how to escape from this cat and mouse game we have been playing for about a month, trying to find a middle ground that satisfies us both, unfortunately without success.

The hushed whispers, the chaste kisses and the shy caresses while we cuddle at midnight are already insufficient for me. My body requires a little of those pleasures of life that I love to share with him....

- What's going on? - He murmurs with feigned innocence knowing what may be going through my wacky mind, advancing towards me and pushing me into a corner like a lion to its prey.

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