June.19.16/Would You Accept Me?

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Track #7: Roses


Shawn's POV

June 19, 2016 - MMVAs

- Do you want to hand me that?

Aali crawls across the floor of my room to reach for my guitar case and set it on the bed near me. I stash my notebook in the small black backpack, along with a bottle of water and a few snacks for after rehearsal. I look at the time on my phone and know that Andrew is about to arrive to take us to Toronto, the venue where the awards will be held today.

- Aren't you missing something? - Mumbles my sister from the floor.

- Hmm... - I look around confused. - I don't think so. What?

- Me, your favorite sister. - She answers as if it's obvious.

- Do you want to go? - I'm genuinely surprised.

Aaliyah is one of those who prefer to stay at home and not go to a concert full of sweaty, screaming people. Well, I thought so too, but circumstances changed. Now I'm the one entertaining the sweaty, screaming people.

- Will Sofía be there? - She asks interestedly, tilting her head, hoping to hear a yes from me.

- I don't know. - I shrug my shoulders.

- Then ask your girlfriend. - She laughingly insists, seeing my unfriendly face.

- Since when are you so interested in meeting Camila's sister?

- If Mila is going to be part of the family I want to know if I'll get along with her sister, although it's obvious that I will. Everybody loves me. - She says sarcastically shaking her hair in my face.

- First, you're an unbearable person and no one loves you. Second, Camila is just a friend. - I refute, crossing my arms.

- Still with the same sentence? - She rolls her eyes, a little frustrated with me. - If you don't do something about it now while you can, you'll lose her.

I don't need love lessons from a child.

- What do you know? You're only 13 years old.

- Yes, but I'm smarter than you. - She retorts.

And with those words she gets up walking out of the room and leaving me in complete misery.


I feel trapped in these corridors looking for what is supposed to be my dressing room, but I only see white signs with other people's names on the doors and red signs on the ceiling leading to the washrooms. How hard can it be to find it? This place isn't that big. Good riddance Drew decided to disappear. A bit annoyed I write to my manager for directions to his whereabouts, I need to get my stuff urgently and I'm wasting valuable time.

- I'm so into you, I can barely breathe...

I'm stunned to hear her voice in the distance.

- Shawn? - She asks from behind me. I take a couple of deep breaths before facing her.

- The same one who sings and dances. - I answer jokingly, although the nerves of having her in front of me again are slowly driving me crazy.

When was the last time I saw her, four months ago? Time goes by so fast... I must remember to thank Drew for scheduling this break in the middle of the tour. It was necessary for my rest, but it also gives me a chance to attend these events where I can be with Mila, who never fails to dazzle me with her presence, even if she is with a little red rose adorning her tousled hair and plain clothes.

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