July.23.17/Crossing The Line

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Track #9: Nervous


Shawn's POV

July 23rd, 2017

With a victorious smile Geoff makes his way to the small establishment sheltered between trinket stores and yard sales. We follow our friend closely behind, all wearing dark hats and sunglasses in an attempt to remain unnoticed, especially me, although this humid weather is not helping us at all to look the part. The sky is covered with gray clouds, warning that it will soon start raining over our heads, in the middle of summer. What a nice welcome Los Angeles gives me so early in the morning.

With the coast clear, and I mean the hated paparazzi, we make it into the cafeteria safe and sound. It's a bit crowded but I don't mind, I don't plan on being here long. As we sit down sharing a table in the back, Geoff who was the one who came up with the idea of coming here, asks for our order before the waiter comes to us.

- Are you going to buy us coffee? - Scott jokes, glancing at the laminated menu.

- Just drinks. - He clarifies in a firm voice.

I chuckle when I see Scott's annoyed face. Last time he overdid the dish selection and Andrew ended up footing the bill. By the way, he still owes him half.

Apparently Geoff is a friend of the owner's so we'll get everything for free, but I'm not going to abuse his hospitality. I'll have a black coffee and that's it, just enough to keep me going for the rest of the day until my flight to Tampa.

- Are you sure you don't want anything else, Shawn? It's a long flight ahead of us. - Drew looks worried.

- I'll be fine. I'll eat something at the airport or on the plane. - I shrug it off as unimportant.

It's my break between concerts and I more than deserve it. God, it's gotten crazy and more and more dates are being added to the list. We just got back from Houston and I decided to spend the day here with my friends, minus Brian who stayed in Canada. Tonight I was supposed to be with Andrew in Tampa, and then a day later in Miami... close to her. I wonder if she will be there by then, or somewhere else in the world. It would be a shame to miss the chance to see each other when I'm so close to her home. When she went to my concert in London I didn't even see her and she didn't make an effort to contact me either. Until now...

As if summoned by destiny Brian calls me interrupting my tasting of the best coffee in town.

- What's up buddy?

- Are you in Los Angeles? - Straight to the point as always. There is an urgency in his voice that unsettles me.

- Yeah, why?

- Camila wanted to make sure it was you and that she wasn't going crazy.

It takes me exactly four seconds to analyze what he has said and look up to find Camila somewhere in this coffee shop. The adrenaline and the nerves that overwhelm me make me stand up from my chair and walk without a fixed direction; I just know that I have to get to her. Her eyes meet mine first and my heart starts to race. Of all the places in the world, she had to be here. Thank you God.

Dressed in a pair of black jeans and a simple red blouse that fits her to death, she approaches me to give me a discreet kiss on the cheek, we are not alone after all.

- Shawnie! - She smiles. Her eyes sparkle charmingly.

- Hello, Mila.

- Awws, a Shawmila reunion. - We hear Brian's voice on my phone where the call continues. I completely forgot about him.

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