Fall 2015/Jealous

511 21 7

Track #4: Treat You Better


Shawn's POV

Fall 2015

I open my eyes trying to control my agitated breathing, as well as the stupid irrational jealousy overwhelming my head. Why does she have so much power over me? And we're not even in the same state. She must be happy, holding hands with that guy or who knows what. Stupid Brian coming to torment my life.

The dull tapping on the glass of the booth catches my attention, and for the first time I notice all the guys gathered on the other side looking at me disturbed, surprised or excited, I couldn't tell exactly. I leave the guitar on its rack and walk out to meet them, nervous about whatever they're going to say about my unusual bout of jealousy.

- Damn it, Shawn! - Brian is the first to speak, shaking his head in disbelief. - You sure have a crush on that girl, eh?

- Good job, Craigen. - I frown as I see Drew passing him ten loonies right under my nose.

- Wait, was this part of a plan? - I ask indignantly chasing after my supposed best friend who tries to run away. A light tackle from me keeps him on the ground.

- Shawn, listen. This was necessary. - He stammers laughing under my legs.

- We were worried about the album. Over 12 hours of songwriting and we still had nothing. - Drew excuses himself standing next to both of us.

- And you called Brian because...? - I shoot a murderous look at my manager, who just shrugs it off as unimportant.

- I knew the rumors about Camila with...

- Don't say his name. - I abruptly cut him off, releasing Brian who is moaning in pain. He's lucky I don't consider myself a violent person.

- Anyway. The rumors had escalated with the release of some alleged text messages between the two of them, and since you haven't had time to find out about this I decided to call Brian.

- But why him? - I fold my arms in annoyance at all the attention put on me.

- Because he's one of the few who knows you inside out.

- And I knew you'd freak out if I told you. - Complements my friend from a corner. - When are you going to admit that you like that girl?

- Never, because she's just a friend. - I repeat, tired of being questioned about this. - Can I get out of here now?

- And there he goes again, running away. - Scott mutters.

I grab my backpack, the coat my mum insisted I wear, and my guitar and put it in its case, gesturing to Drew to get the hell out of here. But instead he ignores me and goes off to talk to Jake who has been oblivious to all this kerfuffle. He's the only one I like.

- See you later at 8?

- Okay. I think with a couple of vocal arrangements, backgrounds and some more instruments we could have the first song of this new era. - You can tell Jake is excited about this.

- Don't do any vocal arrangements. - Scott interjects. - It came out perfect, the rawness felt in his performance may be a plus.

- But that's not how it should sound. - Jake refutes, shaking his head.

- You said it yourself, it's a new era. And Shawn will have a new sound. - Scott looks at me smiling as if he is very sure of his idea.

I don't say anything and wave goodbye, practically running out the door to get away from here. I hear Drew give his last orders and follow me with hurried steps, while he makes sure the van is waiting in the parking lot. Brian, on the other hand, catches up to me and positions himself in front of me walking backwards all the way to the van, begging for forgiveness.

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