Sept.4.19/You Are The Only One (1/2)

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(WARNING: +18) 🔥

Track #28: Always Been You


Shawn's POV

September 4, 2019

- Definitely... I could get used to this.

I let out a gasp looking up at the ceiling of my bedroom, shuddering from her light touch. I feel myself faint as her warm tongue makes contact with my cold skin and flutters down my abs moving slower and slower towards my happy zone without really getting very far. Her giggling makes me look up at her, partially lying on the bed with tousled hair, bright dark eyes and a sexy smile on her face as her hands move south of my body with a slowness that drives me crazy and she is just laughing.

- Camila, you're killing me. - I snort breathlessly.

- Shh...

I keep quiet only because she asks me to. Apparently today she woke up wanting to be in charge... and I can't complain. We have the apartment to ourselves all morning. She loves control, I gladly give it to her... but she's seriously killing me with her damn foreplay since I woke up only fifteen minutes ago. The worst part is that she won't even let me touch her in return and my fingertips are tingling trying not to interrupt her crazy torture session. This woman has an interesting imagination...

I stifle a moan as she climbs on top of me, clad only in satin pajamas that give me a perfect view of her curvaceous body all lit up at sunrise. I dig my eyes into her red lower lip, imprisoned by her teeth as she tries not to scream by rubbing her center against my more than hard bulge through our clothes. I've never hated pajamas so much in my life, especially when I watch with delight as her fearless hand loses itself in her shorts to give herself more pleasure.

Fuck me...

The erotic image she projects leaves me speechless. At this point I have only two ways out: die of a heart attack or die in her hands. Either way, I'll feel like I'm in heaven with this little devil disguised as an angel.

It doesn't seem at all fair that she won't give me a free hand to enjoy her as I would like, but at least I take solace in being the lucky one to see her in this position and be the reason she's so turned on so early in the morning. I have witnessed all her evolution and constant battles against her insecurities, and seeing her like this totally uninhibited showing herself as she is fills me with an overwhelming warmth in my chest because I know she trusts me, trusts that I will never be able to judge her and that I will always love her no matter what. I promised her, she is mine and I am hers to do with me what she wants.

Camila, give me a break! I'm barely holding back from cumming first and I watch her raptly arch her back backwards almost losing her balance as her hidden hand moves faster and faster.

- Oh... shit... - She moans in desperation.

Her mouth forms a perfect O and her eyelids close tightly because of the spasm that runs through her body. I know, because I feel it in my own as she squeezes her thighs around me seeking release. I don't have to do anything else to join her and we are done at the same time with almost no air in our lungs and she shakes sweaty falling limply on my chest.

- You woke up feeling nasty today, didn't you? - I tease, massaging her back gently, erasing the tension in her muscles.

- It's your fault.

- How is that my fault?

- You make me horny just looking at your face. - She laughs hugging me and spreads kisses across my collarbone.

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