Beep's Downfall

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Rocky's pov

I sit down on my bed. I wonder how today will be! As I think this, I hear a knock on my door. A few seconds later the door opens. Balloony and Cloudy stand or hover at the door. They both have very angry facial expressions. "Rocky, I'm very angry about how you left... for the second time, without telling me," Balloony says angrily. "Bleh," I say and write I'm sorry. 

"We are geeping you in your voom," Cloudy says angrily. "Yea and you can only leave when we are here," Balloony says glaring at me. "Bleh," I say and write Ok.  "Well Rogy, we ave do go now... we're gonna go ave a date!" Cloudy says happily. "Yeah Rocky... please behave!" Balloony says and looks at me. "Bleh," I say and write Ok, bye. Just then they open the door and leave. 

Pencil's pov

I figured out a plan, if we need to kill half the cast... why not go for over half of Beep? No one would miss them if they died... right? Whatever doesn't matter... time to go tell Book. I get up from my bed and walk over to Book. "Hey Book," I say and get her attention. "Huh i was just crying over Icy's death," Book says while lying in bed. 

"Are you seriously still crying over that?" I ask looking at her. What she's doing is just pathetic. Nobody cries over death for this long right? Oh wait, I still cry over Match's death sometimes... so can't blame her. "Yea, of course, I am!" Book screams and crosses her arms. "Look, I'm sorry if I angered you!" I say kinda sad about angering her. 

"It's fine... anyway why'd you come to chat?" Book asks me confusedly. "Well, I just wanted to tell you, I need to go do something," I say calmly. "Hm, ok be careful!" Book says and closes her eyes. Typical Book behavior, she's always crying... but I don't know why. I decide not to ask her, as she looks like she just wants to sleep. Poor Book, I feel so bad for her. Well, time to go on a team Beep killing spree!

I start to walk over to Beep's house, thinking about who I'll kill. We have Balloony... Nah... everyone will expect that. We have Cloudy... Nah... too obvious as well. We have Rocky... Nah way too obvious. So how about I kill... Nickel... David and Roboty? "Perfect!" I say out loud to myself while approaching the door. Who should I kill first... probably the hardest one of the three. I'll do Nickel! 

I get ready to walk through the door but hear some talking noises. "So Cloudy, ready to see if The Losers have any more cake left?" Balloony asks confusedly. "Yes Valloony, I am," he says and floats over to the door. Oh god, they are leaving through this door. Only one thing to do, I gotta hide in the bush. I quickly leap into the bush. Hopefully, they don't notice me. 

"Ok Cloudy, after we go to The Loser's house... where are we gonna have our date?" Balloony asks confusedly. "Probably the forest or gomething I don't know," Cloudy says calmly. "Ok Cloudy," Balloony says and walks away. Cloudy follows Balloony away. Did they seriously not notice me here? Wow, they are so dumb! 

Nickel's pov

"Should I call Baseball today... it has been a while since we talked... he might be worried about me!" I say out loud to myself. I think about it for a few seconds. Maybe, I'm better off abandoning this team. But yet again, I don't want Balloony to act like Book or something just because I leave. But I just think it's safer near Baseball. A few seconds pass by and someone knocks on the door. "Rocky you can come in," I say and sit down on my bed. 

I put away all pictures of Baseball that were laid out on the bed. Some of them have tear stains... from all the crying I do. I really miss him and wish I was with him right now. I look back up to see not Rocky but Pencil. "Oh uh, hey Pencil!" I say in a worried tone. I know why she's here. "Hi Nickel, how are you?" she asks acting confused. "Uh really scared!" I say and get under the covers on my bed. "Why tho?" she asks still acting confused. 

"You really don't know?" I ask confusedly. "Yeah, wish I knew!" she says happily. "Well, you won't know... I guess," I say shivering in fear. "Well, I'm not here to kill you," she says and drops her knife onto the floor. "Wait your not?" I ask confusedly. "Yeah, I'm here to chat!" she says and sits down on the floor. "Oh sure, what's up?" I ask confused about why she is being nice after breaking into my house. "Nothing much, as you can see through your window... Book is killing people again," Pencil says and points to the window.

 "Oh, I don't see anything," I say and look out the window. "Just keep looking, it breaks my heart to know she can just kill people... without it feeling wrong," she says and stands up. "Oh is that so?" I ask while still looking out the window. "Yes, I just don't know how to tell her...  she said she'd kill me if I dare try to stop killing," she says to me.  "So you feel like you are stuck?" I ask still looking out the window. "Yes," she says calmly.

 A few minutes pass by of complete silence. "Well, maybe I cou-" I say before feeling a hard stab through my chest. It hurt like hell as she stabbed me as hard as she could. She cuts off my legs and walks away. "Rocky!" I scream as loud as I can. I wait about a minute of laying there, with the knife in my chest. Is this how my life ends... with me never telling Baseball where I was? With Baseball probably crying while looking for me? I guess so. 

Author's Notes

How was this?

I think it was good.


Let me know what you think!!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Feel free to draw fanart!!

Bye, my little shopkins.

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