He's dead.

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Needle's pov

"Ok so, Teardrop, do you know where Coiny is?" I ask in confusion. It wouldn't make sense for her to know, but we'll see. She quickly nods her head. "Hm, is he in this house?" I ask in confusion. She shakes her head. Pin's face has a scared look on it. "Pin, I found you an excellent place to chill!" I say in a normal way. "Oh, where?" she asks in confusion. "Firey's room where he and Leafy are!" I say in a normal way.

 "Needle isn't it kinda hot in there?" Pin asks in confusion. She seems stressed, that's not good for the kid. "Yes but it's not right now, you know since Leafy's in there," I say in a normal way. "O-Ok, I'll just go talk to Leafy," she says and walks over to the stairs. She climbs them and I hear her enter the room.

 "Ok, Teardrop back to the questions," I say in a normal way. She quickly points to the window. "Out there? What's out there?" I ask in confusion. Teardrop doesn't answer, all she does is try to push past me to the door. "No, no, Teardrop," I say as I pick her up. "We aren't going outside," I say and carry her to the couch. 

Pin's pov

I knock on the door. "Who's there?" Leafy asks in confusion. "Uh, it's Pin," I say in a stressed way. "Oh Pin! Hi, whatcha doing here?" Leafy asks in confusion. Her hand goes to a thermostat and she turns it to the colder side. "Leafy, why are you making it cooler in here?" Firey asks in annoyance. "Sorry Firey, too much heat is bad for her baby," Leafy says and brings me into the room. 

"Oh ok," Firey says in a normal tone. "Um, I'm here because we can't find Coiny, and Needle told me to come here," I say in a normal tone. "Wait, you can't find Coiny, I swear if someone killed him!" Leafy screams in annoyance. "Leafy calm down, you showed me Evil Leafy, I don't want her to control you again!" he says in a normal way.

 "You know what Firey, your right, Coiny's probably fine," Leafy says with a smile on her face. She doesn't look ok. "Um, you guys don't mind me staying for a while, right?" I ask in confusion. "We don't mind it at all," Leafy says in her normal way. "Girls, I'm gonna leave for a bit, gonna go find this trolling boy before anything bad actually happens," Firey says and leaves the room. "Pin, when did he go missing?" Leafy asks in confusion.

 "Uh, I don't know, not that long ago?" I say in confusion. "Hmm ok, do we know if he's dead yet?" Leafy asks in confusion. "Leafy, I'd appreciate it if you don't talk like he might be dead, I'm honestly trying to ignore that possibility altogether," I say in a normal way. "Ok, I get it, sorry Pin," she says in a normal way. "Leafy, it's fine," I say in a normal way. 

A few minutes pass and every single moment that passes I feel waves of fear, sadness, and anxiety pass over me. "Pin you ok?" Leafy asks in confusion. "As ok as I can be," I say in a normal way. "You know what, Firey and I don't share this room, since he left, wanna head over to my room?" Leafy asks in confusion. 

"Why would we need to leave this room?" I ask in confusion. "Ugh, Firey's gonna get all annoying about we ruined his perfect temperatures in his room, he does it all the time when I come to hang in here, but because it's even cooler than the usual time, it won't take long when he gets back, for him to be annoying about it," Leafy says in a normal way.

 "Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense," I say as we leave the room. Leafy quickly fixes the temperature in Firey's room while I walk over to hers. When I get there I sit down on her bed. "Oh yeah, it's fine if you wanna sleep in here, you know if you need to," Leafy says as she walks in. "Ok, thanks Leafy," I say and lay down. I pull her blankets over myself and shut my eyes. 

Teardrop's pov

She needs to let me leave! I don't wanna talk to her! I can, I've been trying to keep up my no-talking thing. It's the only thing keeping me unique. I feel like she'd not like me as much if I just fade into a normal person like everyone else. "Teardrop, I've told you no to leaving this house!" Needle says in annoyance. She's tightly holding my arm now. "Would you like to see where he died or not?!" I say in annoyance.

 I can't believe I had to do that! It was the only way though.    "T-Teardrop, you can talk?!" Needle asks in confusion. "Yes, is it that hard to believe?" I ask in confusion. "Yes, you've been silent for like 10 years!" Needle says in shock. "Mhm," I say and stand up. I walk over to the door and open it. Needle carefully watches as I step outside. A certain somebody exits Beep's house. "Nope, we will do this later, right Teardrop?" Needle asks in pure confusion.

 I don't say anything and quickly begin running. "Teardrop, wait up!" she says and begins chasing me. I don't stop running, I'm gonna show her where he died. She chases me to the edge of the cliff. We both look down into the water. "Oh, so he drowned," Needle says in a sad tone. "Nope," I quietly say and pick up a rock.

 "What are you gonna do with that?" Needle asks in confusion. I say nothing and throw it down. It hits the surface of the water before a huge fish monster pops its head out of the water and eats it. "Oh... Snappy ate him?" she asks in confusion. I quickly nod my head.

Author's Notes

I'm going to be writing 1 more chapter tonight!

Even if I don't finish it, it'll at least be started!

Bye, my little shopkins!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

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