Bottle Finds Taco And Bubble Finds Match?

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Bottle's pov

"If you're in pain, scream!" I say. I hear screaming from Blahop's place. I almost think Nah, I can't go in there, and I should turn around. But nope, I end up entering. "Who was screaming? Scream again!". "It's me! Taco! " Taco screams.

"Oh ok!" I walk over to Taco's room, I'm about to enter when "Surprise attack!" Book says. "Book! You could have shattered me!" I scream. "And that's what I want! Less Death PACT members equals more kills for me!" She says. Well, she's gone insane. I think to myself.

I lay there on the ground pretending to be hurt until Book gets bored and leaves. I sneak into Taco's room and see her lying there bleeding out through her arms. Though not serious enough for death, she could use some- The next word I was thinking isn't ok.

But I say to her, "Here let me help you up." I then grab her and stand her up. When I ask her how this happened she says "Watch out!". Again, Book surprised attacked me. This time I could feel a slight crack on my head. "Come Taco, to my house, I'll find some painkillers!".

What was I saying, the last time painkillers were used, they were actually cyanide and I don't want to make that mistake again. But then I start the walk back with Taco. Her arms are bleeding and now there is a trail of blood from Blahops door, to our door but do I care? No. I just have to bring Taco to Death PACT's house, so I can help her!

Then she can leave and be fine! Right! Simple plan! Shouldn't fail! "So Taco, who did this to you?". "Book," she said. "Why didn't Lollipop rescue you?". I ask, but then she started crying, I could tell I upset her.

Taco's pov

Oh, I don't know! Maybe the fact that Book told me that I couldn't talk to Lollipop anymore, and now she hates me! But I said that in my head, so no one could hear me. Though I was crying. Now Bottle will think she did something wrong. But bringing me out of that hellhole was something good to do, now I'm safe. I plan on asking her if I could stay here. I'll feel good here right?.

Donut's pov

"Team what's our plan?" I ask. "Um I don't know maybe stabbing things," Naily says. "No!" I say "We don't want enemies". "Oh ok I understand now," she says. "Anyway, any other ideas?." "Uh, we could protect Bomby or look for weapons to defend ourselves.

Or maybe look for medicine and healing stuff. Or hide underground forever" Barf Bag says. "Well, I definitely think the weapons to defend ourselves thing should happen," I say. "Oh ok," Barf Bag says. "Let's go," I say. "Alright," Gelatin says.

We begin walking outside the house until around 5 minutes later when it starts raining. "Hurry, get back to the house because we don't have an umbrella, don't worry Firey Jr. We will protect you!".

"Thanks," he says. I cover him with my hands and start running fast. When I get home I get my lighter but he is gone. Now he couldn't have died in my arm since we are objects and our bodies decompose. Our limbs don't tho and I don't have his limbs.

I hear screaming from outside, it looks as if I dropped him. I run over to pick him up and bring him inside. Then I try to use a lighter and regrow his flame. It doesn't end up working since he barely is a flame anymore. He then says, "You guys hated me anyways".

Then he dies, all I have is his limbs. So we stick them in flower pots and put them near the window. Then I label each limb and we have a funeral.

Golfball's pov

"Ugh, when will Team Ice Cube stop crying like babies?" I scream because I have a headache. "Golf Ball there is probably a reason why they're doing that," Tennis Ball says. "Your right TB," I say.

"What could be the reason tho?," I ask. "We don't need to worry about that" Blocky says. "Your- hey wait you should be in Grassy's room with gras-?". "Yeah about that we kinda sorta lost grassy". "WHAT HOW DID YOU LOSE GRASSY?" I scream.

"Uh well, we were playing hide and seek. Next thing we know we can't find Grassy. Basketball and I were supposed to seek and now Grassy's gone" Blocky says. "Ugh, why would you do that?," I ask.

"Because Grassy wanted to play hide and seek. Now we need your help to find him" Basketball chimed in. "Ugh Tennis Ball go help them". "Ok Golf Ball" Tennis Ball says.

Pen's pov

"Pen, Pen, Pen" Bubble screams while running through the door. Oh, ink, it's Bubble I think to myself. "Just a second Bubble," I say.

"Ok," she says. I run to Tree's room and say "Here's a knife cut off matches hair and make a hole in her stick just big enough for me to go into. Then cut out her eyes and then glue her hair back. I will pretend to be match!".

"Uh, you want me to what?," Tree says. "Do it!" I say. "Ok" Tree says. He proceeds to cut matches body enough so I could fit in. Then he glues the pieces around me. I then take off my cap, leave it in my closet and go downstairs, to start my plan.

"Match you're ok!," Bubble says crying tears of joy. "Uh like yeah," I say in the highest and most snotty brat voice possible. "Match why are you sounding like a boy?," Bubble asks. "Uh like because I'm a little like sick," I say. "Yeah, Match could you go get Pen?," Bubble asks. Oh ink no I think in my head.

"Uh, I saw Pen like throwing up," I say. "Oh ok," Bubble says. "Well let's go home Match," Bubble says. Plan failed I say in my head and walk out the door.

Tree's pov

I only did that so Bubble wouldn't cry I say to myself over and over again. Then I see Pen leave with Bubble. I look out the window and see that they are going to Team Iance house.

Authors note

In this story Pen is a little thinner than Match. Also, I am savage AF byeeeeeeee.

Death list

Match died of cyanide.

Firey Jr died of rain/extinguishing.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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