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Foldy's pov

After he got stabbed I cried for a while. I don't know how long but it felt like years. It didn't feel good to be locked in a room. I'm actually still locked in the room in fact. "Marker, what are we gonna do?!" I ask while crying. There's no way I'll be able to calm down so if Marker suggests that, then he's just being inconsiderate. "Well, he isn't dead, just stabbed," Marker says normally. "Do you think he's still alive?" I ask in confusion. That's something I didn't think about. "There's a chance," Marker says normally. That's great! I really hope he's still alive! "Well... we.... we need to find a way out to check!!" I say in stress. "Hmm, we could try to break the window," he says normally. 

I look around for something to throw at the window, something that'll break it. "Marker, you throw this chair at the window so it'll break and I can go check on Stapy," I say in a stressed way. Marker agrees and throws the chair at the window. I.... can go check on Stapy... don't worry Stapy I'm coming! "Thank you so much, Marker," I say and use the air to glide down to the ground. Once I get on the ground, I look around checking my surroundings. If Book or Pencil is nearby I'd need to wait for them to leave before checking on Stapy. Luckily it seems as though neither of them is nearby, so I can go to Stapy. "Stapy, Stapy I'm here!" I say and rush over to him. 

He's alive just passed out, thank god. "Stapy please wake up!" I say and shake him a little. I can't do much more than that due to him being very heavy. I wait a little while to notice he's slowly dying. We aren't far from The Losers' house. Maybe I can ask them for help! I mean that's what Stapy was coming over here to do anyway. Plus I'm sure they are doing fine anyways... it won't be any trouble for them. I try to pick Stapy up but that doesn't work. There's no way I can carry him... I'd just die under his weight! I have an idea.

Needle's pov 

After having to tell Pin the bad news, and watching Cake, Loser, and Clock leave to go make chicken nuggets, I decided to relax with Teardrop. I haven't done that enough since all this started. "Teardrop, do you think Pin will be ok?" I ask in confusion. Teardrop shakes her head. Seems that's a no. "Do you think Pin's kids will be ok?" I ask in confusion. Teardrop slowly shakes her head.  I sit there thinking for a bit thinking suddenly I hear, "Firey... Leafy... Needle..... Cake...... Loser! Please someone help me!! HELP!!". It's Foldy, she's screaming! 

 I look out the window to see her kneeling to a basically dead-looking Stapy. I sigh in annoyance before opening the door. Now's not the time to deal with this, but I don't wanna have Foldy annoyed either. "Foldy... what happened?" I ask in confusion. "S-Stapy... he came out here to p-protect you guys... and g-get information," Foldy says while crying. "Oh... that was nice of him," I say normally. I didn't think someone from a different team would put themselves in danger for this team! Why'd he do that?

"I know, I told him not to.... but only because... I DIDNT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!" she screams while crying. I hug her for a while to calm her down. "It's ok, he did this for a good reason, and here I have a solution... what if I.... take him over to Death PACT a-," I say before getting interrupted. "Death PACT is basically all dead," she says in annoyance. "Oh... hmm.... what if I take him over to Golf Ball, she could probably help right?" I ask in confusion.

 "... Yes please, she's probably the most qualified person to deal with this!" Foldy says and starts clearing her tears. "Ok, I'll take him right away," I say and run off with him. I'm glad I can help Foldy, it's only fair after Stapy put himself in danger. Foldy follows quickly behind. When we get there we open the door to see no one in the living room which is surprising.

"Where are they?" Foldy asks in confusion and fear. "Don't worry Foldy, they are probably in their rooms," I say and start climbing the stairs. Foldy follows behind a little slowly. "Oh, why'd you slow down?" I ask in confusion. "W-Well, there was a murderer living in our house so..... I don't know, I feel like Golf Ball might think I'm here to kill her," she says normally. "But Foldy, you weren't the murderer... I think," I say normally. 

"I wasn't... but that doesn't mean Donut couldn't have taught us how to murder," she says normally. At this point, we are at the top of the stairs and stopped to have this talk. I didn't even think of this being a ruse to distract me... but what if that's all this is? Right now Free Food could be at my house killing my team!! "Foldy, I think I might go!" I say in stress. I try to run off but Foldy grabs my leg. "You can't go, if you leave... I'll be here alone... I don't wanna be here alone!" Her team could be...... killing Teardrop! I can't stay here! 

"I'm sorry Foldy... I can't stay here!" I say and rush out of the house. I need to check on my team. I rush home as fast as possible. When I get there I bust the door open and hear sounds from the kitchen, sounds like something fell on the ground. "Oh, what happened here?" I ask as I rush into the kitchen. "The house just shook a little from you opening the door Needle, so the pepper fell onto some of the chicken nuggets, also all the trays fell on the ground," Loser says in annoyance. "Oh sorry Loser, I just wanted to make sure Free Food wasn't here killing you," I say normally. "I'm not even gonna ask about that, but it's all good Needle," he says normally.

Author's Notes

Sorry about the slow updates, I'll try to make 1 or 2 more chapters tonight!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Nickel was slain by Pencil stab cut cut.

(forget where Nickel goes so he is there now)

Roboty was slain by Pencil crush.

David was slain by Pencil.

Rocky was slain by Pencil strike strike.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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