a better name then that

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golfball pov

"so yeah lollipop youre gonna stay here tonight right'' i ask. ''yeah probably'' she said. ''grassy wants lollipop to stay'' grassy said. ''dont worry little one i will now uh go talk to basketball or blocky'' lollipop said. ''alright'' grassy said and he walked away. ''lollipop are you feeling alright'' i ask. ''yeah why wouldnt i be'' she said. ''uh because we saved you from book who was gonna eat you'' i said. ''uh oh right thanks for saving me and all but i couldlve ran away on my own i was chosing to stay there i only came because it was for grassy'' she said. ''oh wait you wanted to die'' i ask confused as heck. 

lollipop pov

''well uh yeah part of me wants to jump off the roof of this house right now''. ''part of me just wants revenge on book''. ''and part of me just wants to speak to taco again i even started some uligies part of me is glad to be alive tho so um thanks'' i say. ''wow lollipop you need someone to talk to about this huh'' gb said. ''yeah i really do'' i say. ''well blocky is great at that ill let him know right away alright'' gb said. ''uh actually gb i wanted to talk to you about it but if you insist'' i said. ''well if you wanted to talk to me we can talk'' gb says. ''alright well how would you feel if the last you said to someone was i hate you or was it leave me alone or dd i bully her like book whatever i said it was mean and i wanted to apoligize but i havent see her'' i say. ''well some people think she dead some people think she hiding others think shes totaly fine so i dont know where she is sorry lollipop'' gb says. ''no its ok'' i say ''tell grassy i couldnt stay and that i had other things to do'' i said.

grassy pov

''basketball'' i said.''uh oh hey grassy'' basketball said putting down her book to talk to me. ''grassy wants to chat with you'' i said. ''alright whats up grassy'' basketball asked. ''grassy is very excited that lollipop is gonna sleep in grassys room tonight'' i said. ''aw grassy thats awesome'' basketball said. ''grassy knows it is grassy is gonna have the best time ever'' i said. ''grassy thats amazing'' basketball said to me. ''i know'' i said excitly.

basketball pov

''grassy i hope you have a fun time with lollipop tonight'' i say seeing the twinkle in his eyes that anime characters get. i even starting imaging grassy as an anime character he was so cute im gonna have to sketch that later. authors note i might actually sketch that. ''so basketball since grassy is gonna hang out with lollipop tonight grassy wants to hang out with you now'' grassy said. ''alright grassy what do you want to do'' i ask. ''play hide and-''. ''no'' i say ''remeber the rule grassy we arent allowed right now'' i say sternly. ''oh ok how about a puzzle'' grassy says. ''sure grassy lets do a puzzle'' i say. i start watching grassy do the puzzle of course in my room i have one corner of the room full of puzzles the walls of my room are orange shades and the floor is black. every floor in the house is black except for the living room which has a blue floor and blue ceiling all the ceilings are black to. i get so side tracked that when grassy kept taping me i kicked him out of fear. ''oh my hoop grassy im so sorry are you ok'' i ask. ''grassy sees a light'' it took me a little while to realize what that meant. ''grassy dont go towards the light ill get help''. ''ok basketball'' grassy said. poor  guy was coughing up blood wow my reflexes are strong. ''GOLFBALL BLOCKY TENNISBALL LOLLIPOP HELP'' i scream. ''whats wrong basketball'' golfball asked me and at that moment my voice cut out. i pointed my foot upstairs and ran straight in to grassys room grabbed some of cgrassys crayons and paper and wrote grassys really hurt and i cant talk right now i lost my voice. ''GRASSYS HURT'' golfball and blocky both screamed and ran upstairs. lollipop and tennisball helped me up since i had fallen down the steps while running down them both times i treally need to be more careful. lollipop asked if i was ok. i pointed to the paper when she gave it to me i wrote this is my fault and i wrote im ok i might just need some ice cream and some soda. blocky went to the kitchen to grab the things i needed while lollipop sat their with me finding something to watch to calm me down but literally every channel was of kids getting punched or kicked by their best friend saying they saw a light and dieing really really shortly after as if these channel were to help so instead we grabbed my i pad and turned it on only to realize someone deleted my youtube so i just redownloaded it and watched some inanimate insanity and loomian legacy gameplay.

golfball pov

''GRASSY GRASSY'' i scream. i enter his room he is nowhere to be found but luckily i find him in basketballs room. i inspect for what could have possibly hurt him. then i see him laying down coughing up blood and getting ready to close his eyes. who would kill an incinient child. i run over to grassy with some actual painkillers i tested them on 8ball the other day since i dont really care if i feed him cyanide and than grassy closed his eyes after taking the pain killers is he gonna be ok questions like these swirling through my mind but most important who hurt grassy. i sit there crying until tennisball comes in he asks ''what hapened'' i explained he said ''dont worry about it grassys gonna be ok golfball you saved him ok lets just chill''.

authors note

will grassy be ok

maybe i will draw some sketches

im working on rockys vomit art of his whole team right now but ill probably post it with the next chapter

im also working on the single vomit woodys that were there to 

i even might eventually draw all of them anime style though in this story they are objects i can draw human art if you want.

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellowface died of being burryed alive

my roblox is shoplkins

suggest what you want me to draw in the comments below

suggest ideas for stories 

let me know if you want a crackbook or a dare seires or a one shots book or a shipping opions or what

bye my little shopkins

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