more blahop

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gaty  pov

alright so lollipop is in death pacts house. saw is staying with team ice cube. and i dont know where taco is but i think what ill do is ill go to get saw from team ice cubes place and then we can stay at death pacts until we find taco then ill bring taco there and we can live there but for now time to get saw. i look around no one is here. i start walking to team icys house and see chaos going on the whole team and saw are staring at the tv just staring with the type of blank stare you get when you are scared. i knock on the door but no one answers. i look through the one non patched up window they all have their attention on the door and their shivering either its cold in there or they are absoulety scared. i knock again and hear ''ill get it'' coming from saw. when saw comes to open the door she hugs me i allow this hug and she asks me if i had an idea where we could live. i said i was thinking death pact and so saw and i started walking.

lollipop pov

i hear a ''hello'' from the other side of the door. ''can i come in'' i ask. ''who is this'' the familar voice asks. ''uh its lollipop'' i say. ''oh well then come on in bestie'' the voice says i figure out that voice belongs to taco she called me bestie i clearly missed something. ''anyway i came here looking for you'' i say. ''of course because besties love to hang out and watch movies and play games'' taco said. ok this time i defintily heard her say bestie now i know she said it. ''uh since when have you called me bestie'' i ask. ''since ever thats what besties do they call each other besties right'' she asks. ok now im really confused. pillow turns around from looking out the window to tell me taco doesnt remember stuff and that all they told her about me was that we were best friends and that i was a girl. ''geez ok uh taco'' i say. ''yeah bestie'' she said. ''you can just call me lollipop you know'' i say. ''oh ok lollipop'' she says.  ''howd this happen'' i ask. ''book'' pillow said. ''oh i see'' i said. then we heard a knock at the door. ''who is this'' i ask. taco grabs weapons just in case and gaty says ''it gaty and saw'' i see taco standing like shes ready to attack but i hold her back. ''grrrrrrrr let me attack'' taco says. ''NO'' i say. then gaty and saw just stare at us like we are insane. ''guys taco lost her memories im working on it'' i say. ''oh ok'' gaty says. ''that explains'' saw said. ''yeah'' i say. 

saw pov

''so howd taco lose her memories'' i ask. ''dont know but i think it had to do with book'' lollipop said. we then hear taco actually hiss. ''um its ok taco books not around here right now'' lollipop said. ''oh ok'' taco said. we then saw her go to the kitchen to get a snack or atleast thats what we thought. she was making a sandwich to eat then she cleaned the knife like a normal person then she grabbed more knives sat with the knives and began to eat her sandwich. ''uh guys taco has lots of knives right now and im scared'' i say. pillow watches the outside so she will tell us when book is coming i dont know what we will do then tho. but atleast we dont have to worry about it. i look back in the kitchen to notice that taco and the knives arent in there anymore. i look around the house and no sign of taco. ''uh guys i cant find taco'' i say. ''what do you mean you cant find taco'' lollipop says panicked. ''i mean i cant find taco'' i scream back. ''uh guys'' pillow says. ''yeah pillow whats up'' gaty says. ''uh taco has the knives and she is headed towards your guys house''. ''no'' lollipop and i say in unison. ''we have to go save her'' i say. ''no'' lollipop says. ''what i thought you liked taco as a friend of course but still'' i say. u''h i do but i have to protect my other friends to so im going alone if im not back in an hour send someone from death pact to come find me bye guys'' lollipop says. then she just left.

taco pov

grrrr im gonna kill book luckily i snuck out when my team were to busy to notice me. i start my journey the knives in hand i left no kinves behind. i look around no one then i notice the door to death pacts house open and lollipop comes out there is no way im letting book hurt her so i start running faster. i start getting worried about lollipop and i even blush a little. but why am i blushing i dont want to be lesbian. i start running even faster until i eventually approch where book should be. i then enter and lock the door so lollipop cant even get in. i look around i see a girl ive never seen before. i see a door labeled danger do not enter and i see a room labeled books room i see other rooms but they dont have labels i came here to kill book so thats what im gonna do.  i here lollipop yelling ''dont do this taco'' but i want to i slowly approch books room and i take out a staple i found on the ground and i start unlocking her door. click the door unlocks. alright now that this door is unlocked i can enter books room. when i enter the room i see book sleeping very injuired looking on her bed. 

authors note

uh oh

will taco be ok

will book be ok

does anyone even want book to be ok

let me know in the comments

uh ok so yeah heres the death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being burried alive

bubble died of poison/the force of coughing

flower died of poison

thats all the deaths for now

my roblox is shoplkins

bye my little shopkins

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