i miss book ... bracelety

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icy pov

ugh i miss book i wish she was here. theres no one to save me bracelety is scaring her own team. this whole people dieing this is effecting her negatively. im gonna be stuck here for ever arent i. i wonder how book is right now.  and if ill get to see her again.

 hmm i need to ask bracelety to release me but im just a bit scared of her i dont think scaring me is her goal but thats all shes doing. thats it im gonna do it. "bracelety i would love to see book again i say". "bracelety... BRACELETY WAKE UP" i scream.

 "huh oh hey icy what do you need" bracelety asks. "i want to see book" i say. "NO ICY i took you away from book so i could keep you safe" bracelety said with a not so nice smile. "i will keep you safe even if something has to happen to book" she said next.

 "no you cant hurt her again please" i say. "why shouldnt i icy" she asks. "cause if you do i il ill hate you" i say. "ok fine i wont HURT HER" bracelety says. "good i would be depressed and hate you if you did" i say. "Alright icy but you are never going back to her" bracelety says.

 "Alright now bracelety leave me alone I dont wanna talk to you right now" I say. "Ok icy I'll go chat with my team instead" bracelety says then walks away. "BOOK I MISS YOU" I scream while crying.

Bracelety pov

"Hi barf bag" I say. "H hi bracelety" she says. "What's wrong I can help fix it" I say. "It's nothing you wouldn't understand anyways bracelety" she says. "Oh ok where is the rest of the team" I ask. "In there rooms with the doors locked" she says.

 "Why tho" I ask. "Again you wouldn't understand bracelety" she says. "Oh ok it's very boring right now" I say. "Say why arent you with icy" barfy asks. "Uh she wanted alone time" I say. "hmmm i wonder why" barfy says. "yeah me to" i say.

 "it couldnt possibly be because you locked her in a room and will probably never let her out right" barfy replies. "hmm it could be" i say. "i wonder if she would talk to me" barfy says. "hmm you can go try but if shes upset then leave got it" i say. "yes bracelety i got it" barfy says. 

barf bag pov

"well time for me to talk to icy dont follow me bracelety" i say. "ok" bracelety says. i begin my walk to braceletys room i swear if she was torturing poor icy i will .... do nothing maybe yell at her. i try to open the door and realize it is locked. 

"BRACELETY THE DOOR IS LOCKED" i scream. "COMING" bracelety screams back. then bracelety runs all the way up the stairs. "here you go sorry for leaving it locked barfy" bracelety says. "oh its not a problem at all now bracelety go back downstairs ok" i say. "ok" bracelety says. "icy you ok in here" i say. 

icy pov

"huh oh hey barf bag" i say. "hey icy i felt like you needed someone other than bracelety to talk to was i right" barf bag asks. "uh yeah i just want to go back to book" i say. "icy do you know why bracelety went to go get you" barf bag asks.

 "uh why" i say. "because icy its the middle of summer and book spends most of her time outside and bracelety didnt want you to melt" barf bag says. "but barf bag i was fine book never took me outside and when she did she would put a tiny layer of clothes on me with a ton of ice packs that 4 made and those things dont melt unless they are in lava it says so on the package" i say.

 "oh ok then" barf bag says. "so why did she take me" i ask. "because shes insane" barf bag says. "be quiet  or she will hear you" i say. "no she wont she is downstairs do you wanna go outside" barf bag asks. "yes i do" i say. "ok ill talk to bracelety about it ok" barf bag says. "ok" i say. 

barf bag pov

wow so icy did just want some time outside well she needs it im gonna tell bracelety. "bracelety i need to talk to you" i say. "yeah barf bag did icy talk to you" bracelety asks. "uh yeah she did she said she wanted to go outside" i say.

 "oh ok well ill go get her and we will go out" bracelety says. "wait a sec wont she melt" i ask. "nah i have these ice packs" bracelety replies. "wait a sec where did you get those" i ask. "oh i got these from book" bracelety replies.

 "you stole them didnt you" i ask. "yeah i did but hey its cause we need them" bracelety says. "fine now go get icy and take her outside ok" i say. "alright then" bracelety says. 

bracelety pov

"hey icy i decided to take you outside so lets go" i say. "yay maybe we will see book" icy says. "we see book i kill her" i say. "nevermind i hope we dont see book then" icy says. "yeah thats right now lets go" i say. "wait let me put on my ice packs first" icy says. 

"ok icy here they are" i say. "alright then im ready" icy says. "good now lets get going" i say. "bye icy bye bracelety" barfy says to us on our way out. "bye barf bag" icy and i say. "ok so now lets see where should we go" i say. "bracelety watch out" icy screams. "huh owwwwwwww" i say and then i pass out.

icy pov

"book stop stabbing bracelety" i say. i realize braceletys breathing is slowing down so i run over and get in the way of books final attack on bracelety. "icy no" book screams. "good night book" i say. 

authors notes 

icy is dead yay😥

ok so my sister is working on some art but in the mean time here you go some icy and bracelety chapter because its been so long

request art for my sister please its time to overwork her

make it with contestants introduced in bfb if possible 

my roblox is shoplkins

my sisters wattpad is shoplkins

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

here is the death list

 match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

anyways bye my little shopkins

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