Liy I Think You're A Bit Late!

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Liy's pov

''Ok Taco stay here I'm gonna get Lollipop!'' I say. ''Who?'' she asks. ''Oh, your friend!'' I say. so I start walking to blahops house thinking is taco gonna ever gain her memories back or are we one by one gonna have to put them back. i think the safest thing to do is to keep taco and lollipop in my house for now. i now approach blahops front door i turn the handle and see book holding saw up like a weapon on the other side. ''h hi book'' i say. ''oh you uh scared me'' book says and puts saw down. ''where is lollipop'' i ask. ''she got stolen'' book replied. ''what do you mean stolen'' i ask. 

''some hooligans came in here and stole her they also punched me in the face it was blocky and basketball i think'' book says. ''oh well i got to go'' i say. ''not so fast'' book says and picks up saw once again. i keep getting off track book said. ''oh uh what do you mean'' i ask nervously. ''i mean i havent killed a single person well i mean i poisioned grassy but his team loves him so he probably lived''. ''so uh yeah 0 or possibly 1 person killed at this rate i could die and i dont want that so yeah'' book said. then i heard metal clank and the world went black.

book pov

ha that stupid light switch she thought she could come here and get out alive well no one comes her and gets out alive so uh yeah ''saw lets go'' i say. ''i cant believe you did that'' saw said. ''saw calm down'' i said. ''NO YOU USED ME TO KILL LIY WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN'' saw screamed. ''oh gaty'' i say. ''yes book'' gaty said. ''turn 90 degrees that way gaty'' i say. ''ok'' gaty said. i pick up saw and she is breathing heavily then stops and says ''ill calm down''. ''good gaty you can turn back around now'' i say. ''ok that was weird'' gaty says.

taco pov

what is taking liy so long to get back here she is the only person i actually know right now and she has to come back soon. maybe lollipop is just really hard to find whoever she is. well maybe i should just take a nap or something.

bottle pov

oh no no no no NO. i used my binoculars to see that book killed liy. what do i tell taco liy is the only person she knows therefor she is the only person she trusts. most of this team is unstable but i talk to black hole, remote, pillow and pie. ''guys we need to talk'' i say. ''ok'' they say. ''what do you do when someone loses their memories knows someone that person dies and now the person who lost their meemories most likely wnt trust you since they dont remeber you'' i ask. ''woah bottle relax'' black hole said. ''whyd you ask that'' pie asked. ''because it happened'' i said. ''what who'd it happen do'' pillow asks. ''well taco is the one who doesnt remeber anything and liy is the one who died'' i said. ''oh'' remote said. ''well wait what about lollipop'' black hole asked. ''i dont think shes worth it'' i say. ''why'' pie asks. ''becuase liy went to go get lollipop and then died'' i say. ''oh'' pillow says.

pencil pov

''bubble who killed her'' i ask. ''i dont know pencil'' bubble replied. ''oh ok ill just have to kill EVERYONE'' i say. ''w what pencil" bubble said. ''you heard me'' i say and walk outside. i then decide to sit outside and cry right out front what could go wrong. ''um pencil you shouldnt be out here'' bubble said from inside. ''listen bubble i can be where i want to be ok'' i say and then continue crying. ''oh well your funeral'' bubble says and walks to a different part of the house. well bubbles been acting weird lately i think to myself. over across a very long distance i see book and saw walking towards me whatever they want im not intressested. ''hey pencil" book says after finally getting over here. ''hey book'' i say crying. ''whats wrong pencil'' book asked holding saw behind her back as if ive not seen her yet. ''uh match died'' i say crying. ''well pencil you have two choices join me in my quest of murder or die'' book said. ''uh i pick to JOIN YOU''.

bubble pov

i hear pencil talking to book i watch and see them both get up with evil grins on their faces and walk back to books team. what are they doing i think to myself. while im thinking ruby walks in the room and scares me by saying ''bubble you look stressed whats up''. she says that while flower stands next to her. ''uh pencil and book made creepy faces and walked away together'' i say. ''im sure its nothing'' ruby said in a im not really sure if what i just said was true voice. ''thanks ruby'' i say in my i know you didnt mean it tone of voice.

ruby pov

''ok i didnt mean it'' i tell bubble. ''i know'' bubble says. ''well hey atleast we have each other'' flower says. ''oh yeah flower why was bossy bot golfball here earlier'' i ask. ''to save grassy from poison'' flower answers. ''oh yikes well im glad she was able to no one deserves death except murders'' i say. ''yeah tell me about it'' flower says. ''but hey uh lets get back on the topic of pencil and me and match'' bubble says. ''what about match we already know shes dead'' i say. ''thats just it i was talking to match just a day or two ago and'' authors note sorry if i dont have a good sense of time but that doesnt matter so uh yeah continue the story ''i wanna know who was that if match is dead and was dead who was i talking to why did they try to copy matches voice who was it'' bubble says stressed. ''dont woory bubble everything will be ok'' fanny says while walking in the room.

authors note

i dont have a good sense of time so uh yeah 

wow this book is amazing right

leave questions or concerns in the comments

i will continue the death lists if you ever see a chapter without one let me know in the comments so i can add it

also and this is unrelated who reading this read fans page on inanimate it is hilarious

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book and saw

thats the deaths for now

if the death number changes i will edit the first chapter to fix the number

if you comment and have a story i will make sure to read yours and even vote on it

so yeah bye my little shopkins

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