What Will Happen To Taco

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Bottle's pov

"Im ba- oh uh Tree why are you crying,?" I ask. "Because I gave Bubble a false sense of belief and I don't know when Pen will come back" Tree replies. "Oh, what?" I say. "I turned Pen into Match, Bottle". "Oh," I say. "But guess what I found it's Taco she needs help," I say. "Really what abou- oh she does, shes armless now," Tree says. "I know," I say.

"What do you want me to do about it?," Tree asks. "Go over to A Better Name Than That's place and ask Golf Ball and Tennis ball for help," I say. "Ok" Tree says then leaves. "So Taco!," I say. No reply. Oh god, she is either fainted or dead. What do I do, I'm no good at preventing death what do I do?. "Liy please help me!". "No!," she says.

"But your back in the show!," I say. "I guess your right," she says. "So you'll help?". "Yes," she says. "Thank you!," I say. "No problem," she says.

Liy's pov

"How the **** did this happen?," I ask. "I don't know I just found her like that!" Bottle replies. "Oh ok," I say. Then I get to work, I grab some of the bandages we had left from trying to save Match when we couldn't. I wrap the bandages on her sides where her arms used to be. I then realize her fish is infected so I throw it away. She could have died, I get her a new fish and then I lay her down where we used to have Match.

"Now all I have to do is throw away the cyanide," I say. I then picked up the cyanide and buried it under the ground so it would never be found again. I walk inside and Taco asks where she is. I tell her she is in Death PACT's house. She asks if she can stay, saying she is very scared of Book, and her friendship with Lollipop was destroyed. Then I turn around and see Book right outside our room. Looking at us through the window, what a creep.

Book's pov

"Taco come back home!, I'm sorry!" I scream. I'm not really sorry it's just she needs to be punished for abandoning us since it was on her list of rules. It looks like she falls for it. She gets up off the bed she's in and comes outside. "Really!" she says. "No!," I say then I bite her.

Taco's pov

"Owwwwwwwwwwww!" I scream "What is wrong with you?" I notice that I'm laying there directly in halves. This is where my life ends, split into halves on the ground. Then Book comes and does something unexpected. She buries me, now I'm gonna die. Then the world starts going black.

Liy's pov

Oh, my electricity, I hear Taco screaming. I look out the window but all I see is Book smiling evilly. I rush outside to look for Taco. I don't hear or see her "Book where's Taco?," I ask. "Gone!" she says. I feel the ground rumble beneath me like an unnatural earthquake but then it stops. I dig down until I see Taco in halves. One half with her face on it. Blood all over, the sound of breathing slowing down. I grab her, there is no time to waste. I pick up both halves and get into the house. Then I put her down, wrap her up, and wait. She slowly wakes up with a huge case of amnesia.

Coiny's pov

"Pin you ok?" I ask. "Uh no I've been barfing all day and I'm feeling sick" she replies. "Well I'll stay here with you and I'll protect you forever," I say. "Promise?" she asks. "Promise" I respond. "Thanks that means a lot," she says. "Oh it's nothing," I say. "Uh, guys?" Cake runs into the room and says. "Oh uh hey Cake!" Pin says then proceeds to throw up. "What's up Cake?," I say. "I heard Taco screaming!," Cake says. "Oh uh well, Pin and I were having a chat. Could you leave us alone right now cake?," I ask. "Yeah," Cake says and leaves.

Nickel's pov

"Ok team it's time to go hunting!" I say. Woody starts screaming. "No no no Woody not hunting for people to kill, hunting for supplies". "Oh ok," Woody says. "Yeah, Balloony you wanna come?". "Uh sure," Balloony answers. "Cloudy how about you? " I ask. "Yes, you can ride me to stay safe" Cloudy says. "Ok, we're all going?". "Yes" the rest of the team says then we all hop on cloudy and begin our search.

Donut's pov

After the funeral, we all go to our rooms and cry. Tho I am glad it was just rain and not an actual threat. Since I don't have time to deal with murders. I look outside and it's still raining. I decide to go outside and sit in the rain. Book walks over with an umbrella over her head. I just sit there upset. She says "Hi!" but I don't reply. "Ehm I said hi," she says annoyed. I still don't reply. Then she grabs my hand and ties me up outside her house. I try to get free but I can't. She says "I would be her team's dinner tonight!" I am stressed AF.

Author's note

Death List

Match died of cyanide

Firey Jr died of rain

The end of the death list for now

Also, Taco is ok she just has extreme amnesia #notcopyingsurvive

Also, stay tuned to see if Bubble will find out the truth

Bye my little shopkins

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