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pin pov

i just ugh i hate this stupid room i hate this stupid life and theres probably no hope. is coiny even looking for me. does coiny hate me. these kinds of thoughts swirling through my head. tho deep down i know coiny loves me. i just hang there crying knowing im gonna suffer a death in lava besides theres only 35 minutes left anyway. if i get saved id probably cling on to coiny forever. me and coiny would have the best time with the kids it would be the best.

coiny pov

hmm if i was pin where would i be i think. needle still rushes around the room trying to find pin calling for her telling her this isnt funny and to come on out. and i just sit here. i then remeber why i hadnt eaten why i went to get the sandwiches to eat. i had been protecting her and i failed i start crying. needle asks me ''whats wrong'' ''but i just dont want to talk about it''.  i tell her ''pin'' she says she understands and keeps searching. i just ugh why when i eat does this happen thats it ill never eat again. 

needle pov

i feel sorry for coiny im doing all i can yet hes sad and even tho he doesnt love me as much as he loves pin he deserves her since thats what he wants i ask coiny ''whats wrong'' he says ''pin'' i tell him ''i understand'' and i continue to search i double and triple check everywhere. we kept hearing hideous shreeks every 5 minutes which is annoying when searching for something. we continue to search and then coiny starts watching a video of him and pin playing outside he pushes her in the water and she screams like a shreek i tell coiny to pause that video so he does.

coiny pov

why does needle want me to pause this i think i do pause it anyway dont know why. then we hear a shreek identical to the one in the video. ''needle stop watching the video'' i say. ''but im not'' she says. ''wait if youre not watching the video then that means''. ''THATS PIN SHREEKING'' i say. ''youre right'' needle says. ''yeah'' i say. ''where are the shreeks coming from tho'' needle asks. ''i dont know'' i say. ''if we follow them we might be able to find pin in a few hours'' needle says. ''yeah good idea lets go'' i say. ''but wait if shes in trouble we need to get there fast'' needle says. ''oh my mint youre right lets run as fast as we can'' i say. 

needle pov

we start running ''the shreeking is in this direction''. i say. ''lets go faster'' coiny says. we run as fast s we can towards the shreeking the shreeking happens again. ''lets go come on needle'' coiny says running faster then me. we see that where we are headed is blahops house. another shreek ''hurry'' coiny says. about 5 minutes later we arrive at blahops house.

pin pov

oh my pin factory only 10 minutes left i knew it coiny wasnt going to save me why did i think he would every 5 minutes i get closer to the lava so of course i shreek who wouldnt i hope he comes but its hopeless now. i hear footsteps runnig around outside and coiny hes screaming for me he needs to be quiet or pencil and book will hear him. 

coiny pov

''pin where are you'' i say. no reply. ''PIN WHERE ARE YOU'' i scream still no reply. i go at this for about 5 minutes then i hear her shreek again. i follow the sound of the shreek until i see a door that says insinirator oh she better not be insinirated when i get in there. i try to open the door it locked so i kick that dumb stupid door down. i come in and pin sees me and yells ''coiny im up here''. ''pin'' i yell. ''coiny help when that timer is over i will fall in'' she says. ''what but that timer says 30 seconds what do i do''.

pin pov

''coiny just push it over so i dont fall in'' i say. ''ok'' he says. he starts pushing it. 23 22 ''its not moving'' he screams while crying. ''coiny stand near the lava and cry into it'' i say. ok he stands near the lava crying into it. 13 12 11 10 ''its not doing anything ill try pushing again'' he says he then runs over to the wall and collides with the lava it moves over but not enough. ''coiny again'' i scream. 5 4 3 he runs to it again 2 it moves 1 i then scream while falling coiny catches me and as we were about to leave needle comes over we start walking back home.

coiny pov

''pin im so happy to have saved you'' i say. ''yeah thanks coiny'' pin says then kisses me on the cheeck ''but we need to stop i need a break'' she says. ''alright'' i say we sit down for a while. we see pencil look out the window so we start walking again. we continue to walk and then i pick pin up and start carrying her home while running. we run for a while until finally we make it home so we open the door and the whole team includeing leafy was in the living room. they asked pin needle and i many questions about what had just happened.

firey pov

''coiny what happened is pin ok i mean shes here but is she ok and uh where was she why was there shreeking who was shreeking and''. ''firey imma need to stop you there pin and i have to go to my room now i need to protect her sorry ask needle she knows less but ask her'' coiny says. ''ok'' i say. ''so needle what happened''. i ask. ''i dont know i just saw coiny hugging pin and a bucket of lava next to them thats all i know''. ''ok'' i say.

authors notes

pin survived yay

so yeah uh check out the wattpads very original name for some special shout outs if i didnt include you this time  i might not have read your story. if you comment i read your story simple as that.

anyway death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face die dof being burried alive'

bubble died of poison/presure of coughing

flower died of poison

my roblox is shoplkins

and bye my little shopkins

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