pin has been captured

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coiny pov

''so pin how you feeling'' i ask. oh wait right shes asleep. my job is very boring i barely get any sleep cause i am keeping my eye out for any murders. i decide that i need a break to atleast eat since pin hasnt been eating due to her constanly feeling like she has to barf. i look over at pin once more she is so cute when she sleeps because she always just looks younger awwwww. after i was finished obsesing over how cute pin is i got up i hesitated leaving her since something bad could happen but id only be gone for 5 or 10 minutes so nothing that bad could happen right. nah im probably just stressed since i havent eaten in a while i open the door to pins room which is where we are right now. then i start walking downstairs to the kitchen im just gonna make some food eat it and go right back up to pin. i make myself 5 sandwiches and i eat them after about 20 minutes i walk back upstair and see red liquid all over the room a tiny bit of silver and no pin. ''where the **** is pin''. i think im having a mental breakdown.

pin pov

''huh where am i''. oh god im tied up in blahops house.  without coiny i thought he was protecting me. i look around to see im currently suspended over lava with a timer device flashing on the wall. there was a sign it says when the hour is up you will be dropped in the lava. hell no what if coiny doesnt know im here. our babies theyll die i mean so will i but the babies are more important than me. but they are really this dumb are they not my hands arent tied now im directly above the lava so if i untie it ill fall in but i do own a phone so yeah they dumb. i pull it out and oh great i forgot to charge it last night looks like im the dumb one. but by i forgot to charge it i mean its at 1 percent. i speed dial coinys number knowing i barely have any time on the phone left and he picks up. he says ''pencil bye bye'' and hangs up then my phone dies. dang it the phone is dead. coiny probably thinks im dead. well dead is what ill be if he doesnt rescue me. i never really saw myself as the damsel  in distress type of girl. its almost as if im a disney princess in need of rescuing and coinys the handsome prince. anyway just hanging hee is boring and nothing will happen until the timer runs out. its almost been 5 minutes. when 5 minutes hits i got slighty lowered. ok now im petrified.

friey pov

''and cake thats when i said yeah coiny does suck''. ''i what''  coiny screamed. ''oh hey coiny didnt know you would come in here whats up'' i say trynig to change the subject. ''pins up'' he says. ''WHAT'' i scream. ''y yeah'' he says them starts crying. ''is there a body we can burry'' i ask. ''well theres a piece of her tip we could burry but other then that no'' coiny said. ''coiny i what i said made this worse didnt it'' i say. ''yes it did'' coiny said continueing to cry. meanwhile i go grab her tip and a shovel i go out back to start preparing the grave for pin. thats when i see needle ask me why i have a shovel and part of a knife blade. ''oh silly needle thats part of pins tip'' i say. ''wait thats what you thought it was hahahahahhaahhahahahahaha'' needle says. ''hey dont laugh but yeah coiny and i thought it was a piece of her tip'' i say. ''nope just part of a knife'' needle says. i quickly put the dirt back on the ground remove the gravestone and walk back inside. ''COINY'' i scream. ''yes'' he says while crying. ''good news needle just let me know that this isnt a piece of pins tip its a piece of a knife blade'' i say. ''WHAT'' coiny screams.  ''you heard me'' i say. ''then wheres pin and what was that red stuff'' coiny asks. ''ill help you coiny'' needle said. ''ok'' coiny said.

needle pov

''ill help you coiny'' i say. ''ok'' coiny said. we start walking up the stairs to find pin when we get in the room coiny shows me where the knife blade piece was and he asked what the red stuff on the ground is i walk over to it and hold some on my fingers and since its most likely ediable i try some. ''its ketchup'' i say. ''oh of course i was stressed over nothing but why would pin pull a prank like this and where is she'' coiny asked. ''i dont know'' we check the closets. ''nothing in here'' i say. ''nothing here either'' coiny says. we even check her bathroom ''noone in there coiny'' i said. ''oh then where is she'' coiny asks. ''maybe your room'' i suggest. ''lets check there'' coiny says. ''noone in there or here'' i say. ''noone here either or in my bathroom'' coiny says. ''ok WHERE IS PIN'' coiny screams. ''I DONT KNOW'' i scream. 

pin pov

its been about 10 more minutes since earlier so now i have 45 minutes to get saved. i start crying since i know im gonna die. the ropes gonna automacially untie at 0;00. so i might as well just do nothing since i cant do anything. i hope coiny finds me but he probably wont considering ive visited this house with needle multiple times but never have i seen this room anyway i look around no one in here with me no windows no nothing just the lava the timer the rope and me i hope coiny will save me soon then i start to cry.

authors note

this just got intense didnt it

but seriously pin could die

coiny literally thought she was dead earlier

coiny and needle are searching everywhere for her but will they find her find out at a later date.

pin is a dansel in distress 

pencil was the one to capture pin

i might draw some of this stuff maybe

death list

match die of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being burried alive

do you guys want art of this stuff

if clowntownusa is reading this hi 

my roblox is shoplkins

anyway bye my little shopkins

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