eggy has some problems

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Coiny pov

Hmm is pin gonna be ok. I sure hope she will. But I shouldn't stay here I mean everything I've done I've put her and the child in danger multiple times and this time she hasn't even woken up.

Yeah I'm just gonna go I'll get uh eggy to watch pin and I'll just go back to my room. I open pins door and I gently hug her one more time before leaving.

I start my walk to eggys room thinking should I do this pin probably wants me with her but I'm to much of a danger to her to stay so I guess I'll go. I eventually make my way to eggys room.

"eggy can I come in" I say while knocking on the door. "Uh coiny shouldn't you be with pin" eggy asks. "Uh that's the thing" I say. "But what's the thing" eggy says. "I'm coming in" I say. "Alright" eggy replies. "So eggy what's up with you" I ask.

"Uh nothing much kinda bored what's up with you" eggy asks. "Uh nothing much just about to head over to my room" I say. "Wait but I thought pin was in her own room" eggy states. "Oh uh she is your gonna watch her ok firey" I say. "But uh coiny"

"I'm no good at that and what if she wants you" eggy asks. I'll be in my room have her text chat me alright" I say. "Uh i guess so" eggy says. "Goodbye eggy I'll be in my room if you need me" I say. "Bye coiny" eggy says.

eggy pov

I dont know how to take care of pin. I'm no good at protection. Why did coiny think I could do it. Well I guess I better head in there now. I start my walk over to pins room and then I open pins door and there is NOONE THERE.

Where is pin I should've have gotten here sooner. No no no coinys gonna kill me for this. Well I guess I better either look for pin or text coiny about it. I pick to uhhhhh look for pin.

I look out her window and see pin laying there on the ground. She doesnt look hurt. Whatever I'll just bring her inside now. I then bring pin into her room. Well she is passed out howd she even get outside. I dont know.

Coiny pov

I hope pin is doing well. I'm gonna text eggy to find out.

Coiny: hey eggy
eggy: hey coiny
Coiny: hows pin been doing she hasn't been giving you trouble right
eggyI mean she was just laying outside I thought she was gonna be in her room coiny.
Coiny: yeah I thought that to oh well.

eggy:hmm strange 

Coiny:anyway is she still asleep
eggy: yes whyd you want to know
Coiny: because she fell asleep after I accidentally hurt her.
eggy:ok well I'm gonna get back to watching her and before I go does she sleep walk.
Coiny: uh sometimes why
eggy:well she isn't on her bed again.
Coiny: you better stop texting me then boi
eggy: ok coiny
Coiny:good luck
eggy: yeah ok

"Pin where are you" I say. "eggy what's wrong" needle asks. "Not now needy" I say. "Dont call me needy" she says while slapping me. "Sheesh calm down needle". "Alright" needle says.

"Pin where are you" I say again. I then hear the front door open. I run really fast down the stairs. "Pin are you down here" i say. I then proceed to look out the window today its 120 degrees Fahrenheit she shouldn't be out there. I look outside and I lost sight of her great just great. "Pin where are you" I say.

"It's too hot to play hide and seek pin" I see her walking towards free foods house on the ground next to the house lollipops body is with dried up blood all around it. "Pin stop come back". I run over and turn her around because it doesnt look to safe over there. She then stops walking. Great how am I gonna get her home. "Pin wake up" I say.

Then she collapses on to the ground. Oh my mom you have got to be kidding me. I'm gonna text coiny to come get her. So I grab my phone and begin the texting.

eggy: coiny come quick
Coiny: oh my mint eggy calm down watching pin isn't hard.
eggy: oh yeah text to me how
Coiny:ok first rule of watching pin dont take your eyes off of pin for even a second because next thing you know something bad could happen.
eggy:well that's fantastic
Coiny:rule 2 If she wants me have her text me
eggy: I know you told me that one already.
Coiny: and finally rule 3 if you need a break have someone else from the team watch her.
eggy: I already know someone who used that rule.
Coiny: lol
eggy: but uh coiny I seriously need your help.
Coiny: with what
Firey: pin has walked out of her room and collapsed outside the house we are kinda near free foods house.
eggy: well she walked here I followed
Coiny: stay there I'm coming
eggy: and hurry her breathings slowing down every second
Coiny: alright I'm coming

Coiny pov

Why does pin get hurt so often first by the murders because of me then by me then by herself but this time wouldn't have happened if I stayed with her. I swear if she dies I might start acting like fanny.

saying I hate you, I hate this ugh. Its 120 degrees out side whyd pin have to sleep walk to out there now of all times a time when I needed a break. Whatever all that matters is if she is ok.

Authors note

So where do I begin last chapter was a bit rushed as to the point where I forgot the quotations those are gonna be added today also the picture last chapter let me tell you a hilariously funny story

Ok so my sister was drawing it and she said there's supposed to be snow right isn't winter I said yes it is so make sure to add the snow then i realized I WAS CONFUSING MY STORY FOR SURVIVE because if we remember its summer in my story not winter so uh yeah the picture will be changed DO NOT WORRY

If that mistake makes clowntownusa upset I'm so sorry I didn't mean it and ita getting fixed anyway recommend pictures for my sis to draw c'mon guys let's overwork her she was mean to me when we woke up so this is my revenge.

My sisters wattpad is shoplkins
My sisters roblox is shoplkins4
My roblox is shoplkins
Our yt is fnafgirllizzy

Oof list
Match was slain by cyanide
Firey jr was slain by rain
Liy was slain by slice from book
Woody was slain by slice from book
Yellow face was slain by dirt or no breathe
Flower was slain by poison
Bubble was slain by poison or force of coughing
Gelatin was slain by get eaten
Lollipop was slain by slice from donut

Also how does everyone feel with me making a book discussing frozen 2 does anyone want that let me know

Anyway bye my little shopkins

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