match/leafy tries to talk to pencil

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match as leafy pov 

''well time to do it'' i say. i start to walk over to the door and get a headache from leafys soul. gosh can she shut up or not like jeez. i knock on the door and a familar asshole answers. ''why are you here leafy'' she asks. ''uh im here cuz i can be anywhere i want'' i say. ''well you cant be here'' she says. ''i is that a knife'' i say. ''yes do you know where this knife is gonna go in 2.2 seconds'' she asks. ''w where'' i ask. ''in your heart so leave now'' she says. since im like brave i say ''no''. ''what do you mean no leafy'' she says. ''you heard me'' i say. ''and you heard me'' she says. ''wow really nicely played wait dont kill me'' i say. ''oh but i will'' she says. ''you will not'' i say. ''i will'' she says. ''i dont think so'' i say then i push her aside. hmm now to find pencil since shes why im here. i look at the rooms i see that all the rooms in this house besides books has the person name crossed off. one room says weapon room now im guessing thats where they see there weapons. the next room i look at says voice masks hmm interesting. the next room i look at says supplies for healing im assuming that means bandages and pain killers and stuff like maybe an ice pack or something the next room says book on it must be books rooM. the next room confused me it said snowball had he been living here i didnt think so. i then saw their basement and aha pencils room i open the door and of course she isnt here well im screwed i cant leave pencils room or book will kill me whatll happen when pencil gets here i dont know.

leafy in her head pov

''match im absoultuley terrifed'' i tell her. ''leafy i like dont care'' she says. ''b but match what did i do wrong to deserve this'' i ask. ''nothing'' she says. ''please give me control of own body'' ''i want to be with firey let me be with firey'' i bEg and cry. ''like no'' she says. then she just makes the body continue to sit here. well atleast im getting a good view of blahops house i think to myself. 

book pov

''where is pencil i sent here to gelatins steak house to rob it and get us some food or find food somewhere plus its hot out so i thought she'd be back by now''. i then hear the front door opening so i wait looking at the door waiting for pencil to come in. but to my surprise firey was there instead. ''hey book do you know where leafy is'' he asked me. ''uh no but leave now'' i said. ''geez you need to relax'' he said. ''i realLy dont have time for this ill be right back'' i say. i start to walk over to pencils room since i know leafys there and i say ''oh leafy if you dont come out here right now so i can kill you ill kill your precious boyfriend instead'' i say. all i hear is silence. ''i give you about 15 minutes'' i say then i walk away. 

firey pov

''i guess ill just be on my way now'' i say. ''i dont think so'' book says and pulls me by the arm. ''what are you doing'' i ask. ''tieing you up'' she says. ''w what w why'' i say wishing i could cry. ''because you are just so much fun to kill'' she says. ''y you pyscho'' i say. ''why thank you i am a pyscho arent i'' she says. ''yes a very mean pyscho'' i say. ''hmm noted'' she says. she then heads to her bathroom i can hear the running water in her sink just the sound of it makes me flinch. l leafy please come save me i think. i then hear the water stop. i look over to books room to find her carrying a bucket full of water enough water to put me out and i dont like. ''oh my oxaygen dont kill me'' i say. ''oh but i will'' she says.

pencil pov

ugh ive been out here in this heatwave for and least an hour but i havent found any food. i continue to walk around until i see cake and clock outside their house. hmm book never told me what type of food i could always just serve cake i look over at cake with an evil stare for a few seconds then i let my face turn back to normal im glad i decided to do that because just a few seconds have gone by and they walk over here. ''h hey pencil i know its dangerous to talk to you but have you seen leafy or firey'' cake asks. ''oh no why'' i say. ''because they are missing'' clock says. ''oh well im actually looking for some food'' i say with a smile. cake looks at me with a horrified face. ''you'd better not pencil'' clock says. ''oh i wont if you to help me'' i say. ''ok'' cake says. ''cake you cant be serious'' clock says. ''good now cake help me find food that isnt you'' i say. ''uh heres the rest of leafys candy stash that she got from firey'' cake says. ''CAKE'' clock yells. ''well bye you two thanks for the candy'' i say. its lIke taking candy from a baby since cake is so scared like a baby. i start to walk home its gonna take a few minutes. on the way back i see a candy pile so i take all the candy from the pile and continue the walk home. pfff being a murder is easy. i hope match is having fun in heaven maybe shes even watching me right this second. 

authors note

ok this chapter is intresting 

we got pencil who just basically stole leafys candy stash

we got book whos ready to kill firey yikes no not really😈

we got match who needs to choose if firey dies or leafy the choice is hers and firey will never know 😈

and who knows match/leafy might die in the process😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being burried alive

flower died of poison

bubble died of poison/presure of coughing

my roblox is shoplkins

my youtube is fnafgirllizzy 

go subscribe to my youtube 

well anyway bye my little shopkins

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