a little bit of everything

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taco pov

i just stare at book thinking yes its finally time i get my revenge. i inspect her to see that she looks very hurt part of her cover is gone but hey someone tries to kill me imma kill them back. nows the time since she is sleeping i slowly put the knife in to her mouth lollipop screams ''TACO DONT BOOK STILL HAS A SLICE OF NICENESS IN HER HEART PLS DONT KILL HER''. for some reason i start to cry. from all the me crying and lollipop screaming book woke up and she took my knife and looked at me holding it like she was gonna kill me with the knife.''lollipop im sorry'' i say crying. i then walk to the farthest corner of the room ready to face my death. but the door brakes open. lollipop rushes in and swoops in to save me. ''heh thanks lollipop'' i say. ''no problem'' she says back. 

ruby pov

''ok fanny lets go over the plan one more time'' i say. ''good idea'' she says. ''the plan was to kill golfball but give her one hour first correct'' i say. ''correct'' fanny says. ''perfect this is the day tennisball learns the most important rule dont mess with iance'' i say. ''yes'' fanny says. 

fanny pov 

''yes'' i say. ruby then goes to et some sunscreen a little bit too careful i ask her ''why'' and she says ''because the suns out''. ''alrighty then'' i say. ruby opens the door and we start to walk in the direction of a better name than thats house with our knife to show that we aint messing around. we look around on the way tHere. we see leafy contimplateing on whether to knock on blahops door or not if i was her no way because book or pencil would murder her if she does which would suck for her. anyway we see a better name than thats house right in front of us now so we go and knock on the door but no one answers then basketball answers saying ''whos there''. ''ruby and fanny'' ruby says. ''well could you guys go away'' basketball says. ''but uh why'' ruby asks. ''because golfball said and i quote no ruby in this house'' she said. ''oh'' ruby says sadly. ''wait can I come in'' i ask. ''uh i guess so'' basketball says. then she opens the door and lets me in. luckily i brought a knife to but i have mine in my pocket. ''uh basketball where is golfball'' i ask.'' in her room why'' basketball asks. ''oh nothing i just need to talk to her'' i say. ''oh ok weird but ok'' basketball says. i start to walk up the stairs. these people are stupid i check tennisballs room he isnt there hmm. well i go to golfballs room to tell her about her 1 hour lifetime that remains. and when i entered that room i found tennisball in there as well.

pin pov

''oh my pin factory thanks coiny'' i say. ''aww youre welcome pin'' he says. ''howd you find me anyway'' i ask. ''uh your screams'' he says. ''my screams how'' i ask. ''well i was watching a video of you and i playing in water and stuff and then i spray you with water and you screamed your scream hasnt changed and i could tell the two were identical'' he says. ''oh makes sense'' i say. ''well uh should we go answer fireys questions now'' i ask. ''nah let him be curious'' he says. ''ok coiny'' i say. ''so uh pin what now'' coiny asks.'' hmm im actaually pretty tired right now coiny imma take a nap'' i say. ''ok'' he says. then i fell asleep. 

coiny pov

this time  im going to protect pin no matter what nothing will stop me anyways i then just sit here making sure nothing bad happens etc. and if i need to leave i devised a plan i text one of my teammates and tell them to either do what i needed to leave for. for example food firey could bring me some food. or if i need to leave one of them would come watch pin she will never ever get hurt ever again. then i fell asleep. 

donut pov

''guys im scared'' i say. ''arent we all'' barf bag says. ''i vote to kill bracelety'' gelatin says. ''GELATIN'' i scream. ''what'' he says. ''no killing a teammate even a yandree team mate'' i say. ''but my newest theory is one person on each team will be a killer whether they mean to kill or not so donut you have to kill bracelety'' he says. ''woah where did i fit in to that'' i ask. ''the part where you dropped firey jr then he died if you didnt drop him he could have lived'' gelatin replies. ''look im no killer im not going to kill bracelety besides if anyone BRACELETY WOULD BE THE KILLER ON THIS TEAM GELATIN'' i say. ''yes but no book didnt die she just got hurt firey jr died'' gelatin says. i dont know what made me do this but i went over to that annoying boy picked him up and-

icy pov

that was a nice nap i think ''wait a mInute bracelety i thought i told you to leave'' i say. ''oh wow youre right'' she says. ''you know what bracelety you tire me and i dont get tired''. ''i think youre the reason i needed to take a nap in the first place'' i say. ''but icy'' bracelety says. ''no im tired of you'' i say. bracelety then comes and ties me up to the front leg of the bed. ''now you cant go leave icy'' she says. ugh im sick of her i just want to go back to book i miss her. welp nothing i cand o except go back to sleep. ''arent you gonna eat i left your mouth free so you could'' bracelety says. i then see a tray of food next to me. ''uh i cant even reach it since you tied me up'' i say. she unties me but locks the door and see is the only one with a key so i just eat the food since i am getting hungry.

authors note

lets play a game throughout the chapters from this chapter and forward i will hide secret messages all you have to do is find out of place captial letters are you up for the challenge

also ooh whats gonna happened with donut and gelatin

also full words captial letters dont count

but random captial letters do 

let me know when you find the message i reply to guesses you leave in the comments with correct or not 

for those of you who dont know i have a youtube channel it is called fnaf girl lizzy i do subscriber specials every 50 subs i hit i will make a fan made serIes called bfb scenerianos fan made

my roblox is shoplkins

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain 

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being burried alive

bubble died of presure of coughing/poison

flower died of poison

anyway bye my little shopkins

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