the 12 foldys

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stapy pov  

hmm what to do today since we still cant go outside. for some reason donut has major ocd and after he hurt lollipop all of us wont dare to mess with him. cause no one wants to get hurt. back to the major question of what to do today cause everything is just so boring around here.

 Eraser usually is inside his room now  Foldy and I stay in my room we let Marker in every now and again. the main reason we hang out in our rooms is to stay away from Donut. We all fear him cause he killed Lollipop except Bell apperantly she talks to him because of something he said once I dont know. 

hmmm what do i have in my drawer ooh some light blue paper hm i know what to do. im gonna make a foldy dodecahedron by making 12 foldys and putting them together. lets begin folding. hmm this is difficult and i havent gotten anywhere. i know ill go get fries and he can help me with this since foldy is asleep and i dont want to creep her out or even wake her cause she is to cute.

i open my door and look both ways like im on a road. just to make sure donut wont hurt me. as i walk over to fries room. hmm looks clear i think to myself as i begin to walk.  "where are you going stapy" fries says. "oh fries  i was just looking for you i was litterally on my way to your room" i say. 

"what did i say about going in my room when im not there" fries says. "not to do it" i say. "excatly so why were you going to  my room" fries asks. "i thought you was there" i say. "look i dont know abut you and your wimpy girlfriend but i have noticed donut hasnt killed in a week therefore no danger from leaving the rooms so sometimes im not gonna be in my room" fries says.

"ok i got it anyways i need your help" i say. "with what cause i am really not interested in helping you or your wimpy girlfriend" fries says. "SHE IS NOT A WIMP anyway i was wondering if you could possibly help me fold a foldy cause foldy is sleeping" i say. "heres an idea wake that wimp up" fries says. "but she is so cute when sleeping and why wake her up when you can help" i say.

 "what if i dont want to help" fries says. "please help me" i say. "fine but only if you promise not to bother me again got it" fries says. "i promise now lets go to my room and begin work on the foldys" i say. "alright lets go" fries says. so we  begin walking to my room and eventually get there. 

"alright so fries you make 6 foldys and ill make 6 foldys got it" i say. "what i can barely make 1 foldy let alone 6 of them" fries says.  "i cant even make 1" i say. "whatever lets just try" fries says.  "thats the spirit" i say then begin trying to make a foldy. "ugh this is so hard i cant even make 1" i say while still adatempting making a foldy.

"i made 1 so far" fries says. "wait hold up i think i got it" i say. "hm i dont know maybe we should check" fries says. "check how" i say. "hold your idiotic girlfriend and compare yours and her" fries says. "good idea" i say i then go over to foldy carefully pick her up and realize mine looks nothing like her again.

 "wait you actually had to check you dont even your own girlfriend enough thats hilarious" fries says then laughs. "SHUT UP YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ANYTHING FRIES YOU ARE JUST STUPID" i scream.  "stapy why are you holding me" foldy says. "see look what you did fries you woke her up" i say. 

"yeah why did you wake me up fries" foldy says. "i didnt tho it was stapy" fries said. "and what is that stapy i told you that you arent allowed to make foldys". foldy says. "see this is why i kept her asleep fries" i say. "well im not the one who woke her up" fries says.

 "yes you are why are you lieing liars are awful and liars shouldnt be trusted this is why no one can trust you because liars cant be trusted" i say. "well as least i listen to my girlfriend unlike you i dont do things i shouldnt be doing if puffball doesnt like i dont do it so there you go" fries says.

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