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Tennis Ball's pov

"Guys is Grassy ok?" I ask. "N-no he's not... he's dead!" BasketBall says while crying. "I don't even know who did it!" Blocky adds. "I know but I don't know why she did it!" BasketBall says. "Oh my god, BasketBall and Blocky calm down... I get it Grassy was an innocent young child...but you guys can't act like this!" I scream. "Well... I'm depressed without him!" BasketBall says. "I mean I get it but calm the heck down!" I say. "What if Golf Ball dies... do I have permission to tell you to calm the heck down?" BasketBall says. 

"Keep Golf Ball out of this!" I scream. "Why?" BasketBall says. "Because I haven't told her I like her yet!" I say. Then BasketBall dashes up the stairs. "BasketBall wait!" I say and run up the stairs as well. "Aw, she's not in here!" BasketBall says. "Good!.... Wait not good!" I say. "Why is it not good I'm sure you know where she is!" BasketBall says. "I don't tho!" I say in a stressed tone. "Dude calm the heck down! BasketBall screams. "Leave me alone!" I say and walk outside.

Now that I'm alone I can think... where could she be.... she didn't scream so she couldn't have been killed.  Maybe shes just checking chests.... yeah just checking chests.... without telling me.... no she has to be in trouble. "Tennis Ball just chill!" BasketBall says. "Stop telling me that!" I say. 'Blocky and I are calming down...we are watching Grassy's favorite show because I don't think they have TVs in the afterlife!" 

"You know what.... what are watching?" I ask. "Pocoyo!" BasketBall says. "What kind of person watches Pocoyo?" I ask confused. "Um, Grassy!" Blocky says. "Wait Blocky you're watching Pocoyo?" Then I pull a camera out of my pocket. "Yes, what's wrong with that?" Blocky asks. "Oh, nothing!" I say as I set up and start a live stream. "Can I watch this baby show with you?" I ask. "Oh, sure!" BasketBall says and taps an empty spot on the couch with her foot. 

"Ok, which episode are we watching?" I ask. "The one where they play golf... using marbles!" BasketBall says. "Using marbles to play golf is illegal!" I say. "Meh, it's not... Grassy and I did it once!" BasketBall says. "Really you did?" I ask. "Yep Grassy spent a whole week looking for a magical black marble he even tried using 8 ball!" Blocky says recalling the event. "You were there too?" I ask. "Yes I was," he says. "Hahahaha that's hilarious!" I say.

Golf Ball's pov

He's watching Pocoyo instead of saving me! Really what the heck!? I thought he was smarter than this! Did they just say USING MARBLES TO PLAY GOLF? What the heck... wait Grassy tried using 8 Ball as a magical black marble? Hahahahahahahha! I think to myself. "Why is Blocky doing such things as watching Pocoyo? Ruby says. I don't know but I hate Pocoyo! Fanny says. "Mmph," I say. "Ugh Golf Ball stop struggling!" Ruby screams. "Mph," I say. "I hope that meant yes!" Fanny says. I then just look at them annoyed.

Pen's pov

"Is that... Blocky watching Pocoyo?" I ask. "Wait Blocky watching Pocoyo?" Saw asks. "Yeah, he's watching that little kids show!" I reply while laughing. "I wonder if you're bros are seeing!" Gaty says. "Maybe they are!" I say. Ring Ring, Ring Ring. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey Pen you have to watch the live stream Tennis Ball is recording... it's hilarious!" Eraser says from the other side of the phone. "Eraser?" I say. "Yes Pen?" he responds. "I'm currently watching it!" I say. "Oh ok...ill call Snow Ball!" he says and hangs up. "Hm, that call happened!" I say before watching the live stream again.

Snow Ball's pov

"Hm.... whats this a live stream where Blocky is watching Pocoyo?" I say out loud to myself. "I think ill watch it!" I say before hearing my phone ringing. "Um hello?" I say. "Hey Snow Ball!" Eraser says. "Oh hey, Eraser, what's up?" I ask. "Have you seen the funny live stream?" Eraser asks. "You mean the one where Blocky is watching freaking Pocoyo?" I ask confused. "Yep, that's the one!" Eraser says. "Then yes I'm watching it right now!" I say. "Oh ok... can I visit you?" Eraser says. "Uh, sure!" I say and hang up. 

Eraser's pov

"Hey, team... I'm gonna go visit Snow Ball!" I say excitedly. "Ok?" Foldy says. "Yeah, I'm thinking about joining you!" Stapy says. "Uh no," I say. "We don't want to be around... well Donut." Marker whispers. "Well, you can't come with me!" I say. "But Eraser please we're scared!" Foldy says. "No!" I say and walk out. My team thinking they can come with me to Snow Ball's house! They obviously can't! It's Snow Ball's choice! I think to myself while walking there. 

Tennis Ball's pov

"Well well!" I say. "Uh, what is it?" Blocky asks. "Oh, nothing, just your bros watching my live stream!" I say smiling. "Hey, they aren't allowed to see me watching this..... STUPID SHOW!" Blocky screams. "Ha well, they have!" I say. "Turn off that stupid live stream....and this stupid show!" Blocky screams. "Blocky is that really the behavior Grassy would want to see?" Basket Ball asks him. "I don't care!" he screams and runs to his room. "Oh well that happened," I say. 

"Wait a minute this is all your fault... isn't it Tennis Ball!" Basket Ball yells. "How is it my fault?" I ask confused. "Well for starters... you annoy me and Blocky, then we calmed down and now you go annoying us again!" Basket Ball screams. "Well, I didn't mean to cause this argument!" I scream. "I hate you!" Basket Ball screams. "Well, I hate you too!" I scream and walk away. 

Grassy's pov

"Why is this happening... Grassy just wants to fix this!" I say while frowning. Woody floats over and kinda hugs me. "Thanks, Woody... it's just it wasn't ever supposed to be like this!" I say still frowning. "Well you just have to calm down... maybe talk to Bubble or something!" Woody says. "Woody what are you saying... it's hard to understand you!" I say. "Go talk to Bubble!" Woody says in a somewhat understandable voice. "Go talk to Bubble?" I ask. Woody nods. "Oh ok, Woody!" I say and float away. 

Author's Notes

Well, a lot happened here!

Blocky feels dumb!

Grassy feels sad!

Tennis Ball feels scared!

Basket Ball feels annoyed!

Pen, Eraser, and Snow Ball couldn't resist laughing at Blocky!

But Golf Ball is the most scared! 

And of course, Woody was being helpful... and determined

Bye, my little shopkins! 

Edit: I forgot the Death List so here it is

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

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