The Final Kills.

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Book's pov

Is that Bracelety over there?! Isn't she supposed to be dead? I thought I saw suicide notes yesterday proving the whole team was dead. .... Were they faking their deaths to trick me? Annoying. Time to kill them! "Pencil, wanna come kill TIC with me?" I ask in confusion. "Sure, we haven't killed enough people over the past few days," she says normally. "I know, we were supposed to get to 32 deaths I think," I say normally. "Book, do you really believe 4 and X will just magically appear when we kill 32 people?" she asks as we walk over to where the annoying Team Ice Cube members are. 

"That's what X said didn't he?" I ask in confusion. "I guess," she says in annoyance. We walk and talk for a while until we make it over to that stupid group of idiots. "Hello!" I say and smile. They look at me terrified. Bracelety has her cloak off so they can tell I know it's them. They all take theirs off and throw them at me. I assume it is to block my vision. Which works but they only blocked my eyes for a few seconds, not Pencil's as well so they couldn't run away. Pencil stabs Barf Bag and kills her quickly. I join in and we kill Bracelety, Spongy, Naily, and Bomby so fast! Honestly, it's hilarious that they thought they could get away from me. Fanny looks at us and I look at her.

 "Pencil do you want me to kill her, or should you do it?" I ask in confusion. "You can I guess, are we finishing this today?" Pencil asks in confusion. "Yep! I mean after this we'll be at 28 kills total!" I say normally. "Did you forget to count Stapy?" she asks in confusion. "Oh yeah! Totally forgot it was found out 2 days ago that ABNTT failed to save him!" I say normally. "This means we need 3 more kills," she says normally before walking away. I look back at Fanny to see her sitting there. Not trying to flee at all. "Goodbye Fanny, don't resist at all, please... otherwise I might need to let Pencil onto Dream Island," I say normally and try to stab Fanny. She dodges my stab. "I'm down with that, you hated her before working with her right?" Fanny asks in confusion.

 "Yeah and I was only working with her to trick her so if you'll excuse me, I need to kill you now and get back to her," I say and try again to stab Fanny. We go at this for 30 minutes. We can both hear Pencil killing someone at The Losers' house. "Fanny stop moving, if she is able to kill one more of those guys, I'll have to be stuck on Dream Island with a bitch like her!" I say in annoyance. We hear another scream that sounds like someone dying. "Ugh!" I say and run away from Fanny. I have to get there before Pencil kills enough of them. The screams stop. If I had to guess I'd assume that 31 people are dead now. One more scream begins this one being Needle. "Pencil stop!!" I scream as I get closer to the house. Once I get there Needle's body drops to the floor. That's it 32 people died. Where's 4 and X? 

"Book hi, I finished killing the necessary amount of people aren't you happy?" she asks in confusion. "No," I say normally. "Contestants!" I hear 4 yell from outside. "OMG!!" I say and rush outside! "What's up 4?" I ask in confusion. "Everyone that didn't kill anyone, line up over there!" he says and points to a spot on the ground. Everyone who didn't commit murder does. "Ok, you all can look away if you want," 4 says normally before he begins zapping Golf Ball. "Wait what is this?!" I ask in fear, confusion, and annoyance. "Murderers don't get to live on Dream Island," 4 says and zaps everyone around me. He aims his hand at me and zaps. Soon enough I die. 

Tennis Ball's pov

Life on Dream Island is good, I really wish GB could've been here for this! If there was one thing I could've done when all of that killing was happening, it would've been to confess my love to her better, kissing her more... "Hey what's happening?!". The world is shaking. No not shaking.... spinning. This isn't normal. People around me are passing out at an alarming rate. This wouldn't be happening if GB was here. Suddenly I pass out too. 





I hear screaming... X screaming. I open my eyes to see not Dream Island but instead the place we'd been living through all the killing and before it. What is going on?

To be continued in book 2......

Author's Notes

So yeah, I doubted myself for a minute or two earlier but I will use the original ending even if I make the other book I wanted to make. 

Not sure when the first chapter will be to book 2 of Yet Another Murder Story but it will exist!

Bye guys.

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