hmmmmm who could it be

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basketballs pov

"oh hello" i say after hearing the door get knocked on and by knocked on i mean kicked. "so what are you doing here" i ask. 

unknowns pov

"eh nothing much" i say. "oh ok you arent gonna yell at people are you ive had a rough day and dont feel like getting a headache" basketball says. "oh ok ill keep that in mind" i say. "oh ok thanks for actually caring today" she says.

 "yeah ok hey can you do me a favor basketball" i ask. "uh sure what is it" she asks. "uh can i stay in your room and can you not tell anyone im here i hate life right now" i say. "i get it dont worry i can do that for ya" she says. "alright ill head to your room now k" i say. "k" she says. 

blockys pov

"uh who was at our door basketball i ask while walking down the stairs" i ask. "uh it wasnt anything important" she says. "basketball you feeling ok" i ask. "yeah just fine" she says. "ok well golfball had something she wanted me to tell you but i forget what it is" i say. "oh ok blocky" she says. "hmmm i think it had to do with fanny but i honestly dont remember" i say.

 "oh ok" she says. "where were you blocky" basketball asks. "uh i was doing puzzles with grassy" i say. "is grassy ok right now" she asks. "uh yeah i left him in my room" i say. "oh ok" she says. "so what were you doing and most importantly WHO WAS AT THE DOOR" i ask. "uh it was just uhh i dont know they had a cloth covering them like a ghost boooooooooooo ooooohhhhh" she says.

 "wow dumbest thing ive ever heard like ghosts could actually be real" i say. "hey i never said it was a ghost"  she says. "yeah" i say. "hey blocky    basketball" grassy says. "oh hey grassy watcha doing out of my room" i ask. "uh grassy just finished his puzzles" grassy says.

 "oh yeah i knew this would happen hey grassy isnt your birthday in a few days" i ask. "blocky you should know when his birthday is" basketball says. "yeah i know im not good at remembering things" i say.

grassy pov

 "grassy what do you want for your birthday" basketball asks. "grassy wants uh more puzzles" i say. "ok grassy they are in my room in the closet i was gonna give them to you for christmas but its gonna be your birthday so go get them" basketball says. "ok thanks basketball grassy will have fun with the puzzles" i say. "alright grassy" blocky says. 

basketball pov

what have i done grassys gonna see her in there no one is supposed to know she is here ive ruined the plan im a failure. "uh basketball are you ok im slighty worried about your health ever since you answered our door a little while ago youve just something seems off" blocky says. "oh no no no no no im ok blocky totally" i say then stand there smiling. who knew hiding a person in my room would be so hard. "and now you are staring" blocky says. "uh just thinking" i say. "oh ok" blocky says. 

grassy pov

hmm grassy is excited for new puzzles basketball said that the puzzles are in the closet. time to open the closet and...   "basketball why are you making grassy leave" i ask. "uh i can get you the puzzles myself" basketball says. "oh ok grassy will wait out in the hallway with blocky" i say.

 "alright grassy" basketball says. That's strange usually basketball is fine with grassy in her room. why isnt she letting grassy in grassys capable of getting the puzzles from the closet. does basketball have something scary in her closet. 

blockys pov

"grassy you ok you look scared" i ask. "grassy is fine" grassy says. "alright grassy just wanted to make sure you were ok" i say. "grassy is wondering why basketball didnt let grassy in her room tho" grassy says. "hmm strange" i say.

 "grassy is capable of getting the puzzles on his own right blocky" grassy asks. "yeah i dont think it was about the puzzles grassy" i say. "ooh do we have a mystery on our hands" grassy asks. "yes grassy we do a very big mystery" i say. "oh ok blocky" grassy says. 

unkonwns pov

i hear the door to basketballs room open.  i grab one of the puzzles from inside this closet ready to attack with it. "hey i just have to get these puzzles for grassy" basketball says. "ok anything else" i say. "nope bye" basketball says then her door closes. hopefully she wont mind the changes i made to those puzzles. 

basketballs pov

i grab the puzzles from my closet. thats weird these arent the puzzles i had in there oh well. i open the door to my room and...-    "well well well why did you kick grassy out of your room basketball" blocky asks. "uh i just my room is a mess and i dont want anyone in it" i say smiling. "thats a lie why did you lie basketball" grassy says.

 "what no it isnt" i say. "grassy was in your room for a few seconds everything was clean nothing was out of place" grassy says. "i meant that my closet is a mess and i didnt want anyone in it" i say. "oh ok" grassy says. "how come i heard two voices your room and closet arent sound proof basketball" blocky says. "uh i started roleplaying with myself" i say. "hmm ok then" blocky says. 

unknowns pov

"wow this closet is surprisingly organized and very clean unlike my closet i dont really care what happens to my closet but this is basketballs closet and she is helping me so i guess i will try to keep it clean and organized ad leave everything the way it was when i first entered well except what i did to the puzzles." i say apperantly outloud.

authors notes

ok first of all no art this chapter cause i got to stay home from school so i decided to write a chapter while working on my secret project

so my sister is in school when this comes out

and cant draw in the school

anyway uh there is some hints to who this unknown is so GUESS IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU WANT

send me requests for art

and my sis will draw it

ok so uh the title does refer to the unknown character that only themself and basketball know who it is

ok my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sisters wattpad is shoplkins

my sisters roblox is shoplkins4

ok here is the death list 

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

alright next chapter probably later today and that one will have art most likely

next chapter will be the losers maybe

bye my little shopkins

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