taco gets caught again

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saw pov 

"taco are you ok" i ask.  "no im not ok the cliff is crumbling" taco replies. "well great here grab my hand" i say. "ok thank god youre here saw" she said then grabs my hand. i then tried to pull her up but shes to heavy. "taco i cant do it" i say. 

pillow pov

"team im going to go out and help saw" i say. "whats wrong with her" gaty asks. "shes trying to pull taco up a cliff but cant do it" i say. "oh ok" gaty says. i then put on my shoes open the door and run super fast over to the cliff edge they are at. 

taco pov

"saw please try again i dont wanna die today" i say. "im trying to but your to heavy" she says. "hey im not that heavy" i say. "you really are tho" she says. "this isnt how you treat someone whos best friend just died you are defintily making me feel better" i say. "yeah im sorry taco" she says. "you better be" i say.

saw pov

is that pillow coming to help me yes it is. "taco dont worry pillows coming to help us" i say. "thats a relief" taco says. "hey girls im here" pillow says. "ok ready pillow pull taco up on 3 1 2 3" just then we pull taco up but in  the process pillow ended up falling. 

taco pov

"PILLOW NO" i scream. "taco lets get you home" saw says. "ok" i say. so we start walking and soon enough saw is way ahead of me. "saw wait up" i say. but saw doesnt wait. "saw wait for me" i then run super fast and trip over myself. i look up to see that a familar very annoying idiotic green and blue covered book is looking straight at me. "hello book i was just going home now so if you could let me continue that would be great" i say. "no" she says. "what why" i say. 

book pov

"obvoiusly my attempts arent working you keep surviving which is against my rules taco" i say. "uh book please just let me go i really dont have the time for this right now" taco replies. "nope im taking you home and tieing you up every hour you are there is one stab with this knife or one bite out of you take your pick" i say. "im not following you home book" taco says. "i know thats why ill drag you home taco" i say. i then start to drag taco home. 

saw pov

"taco you ok" i say. i then turn around to see taco isnt with me. "ugh this is so hard why cant i take care of one person" i say. "look do you want me to go find her" gaty says. "no" i say. "also where is pillow saw" gaty asks. "uh she fell off the cliff" i say. "what how could you let that happen saw" gaty asks. "i didnt mean to let it happen i was so focused on taco i didnt notice until it was to late" i say. "its fine but you need to find taco quit wasting all this time" gaty says. "ok gaty" i say. i then walk out.

book pov

"ok taco now that we are here i will tie you up do you wanna be bit or stabbed" i say. "what i thought that was in an hour" taco says. "well the first one is  now the next one is in an hour silly" i say. "uh bite me" taco said. i then bit her from her top left. "owwwwwwwwwwwwwww" she says. "now that ive tied you up ill be back in an hour taco" i say then leave.

taco pov

ow it still hurts i hope im not in here very long. saw has got to be coming by now right yeah. but why me out of anyone why me. 

saw pov

time to find taco where could she be knowing her id say shes either captured by book or trying to kill book. so ill check there to blahops house. i start the walk over and eventually make it to blahops house. as soon as i enter i see book and pencil being complete idiots they have weapons ready to kill me. "book give me taco i need her" i say. "ugh no" book says. i then walk over to her push her out the way dodge pencils attacks like a boss and aproach a room the door says taco is definitily not in this room. i open the door and there is taco tied up to a bed. "oh my god taco stop getting in danger" i say. "ok" she says. i untie her and open the window this time i hold her hand while running all the way home.

taco pov

"thanks for saving me saw" i say. "no problem taco" she says while continuing running. "book is chasing you" i say. "i could tell" saw says. "you got any weapons" i say. "no do you" saw says. "no" i say. eventually we make it home. 

gaty pov

"saw youre back and you have taco you actually didnt fail for once good job" i say. "gaty im not a baby but thanks" saw says. "no problem" i say. "now what had happened taco" gaty asks. "lollipop was murdered and pillow fell off a cliff". "i had heard about there deaths you must be pretty sad huh taco" i say. "yes very sad" taco says. "hey lets go play video games to chill ok taco" i say. "alright then" taco says. 

saw pov

"pie are you ok" i ask. "no im just a bit upset thats the second team member we lost and we are the good team the team that helps people" pie says. "oh i see well pie just uh stay calm because no one wants you to be the third right" i say. "well yes" pie says. "excatly and plus gaty and i are here to help you and taco is as well so you have nothing to worry about pie" i say. "thanks" pie says.

authors note


thank you uh sorry for it being a long while im still on vactaion but hey you got one chapter 

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my sisters wattpad is shoplkins

my sisters roblox is shoplkins4

if you want to see anything drawn leave a comment telling me what you want to see

death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by  donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

anyways bye my little shopkins

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