Book You Sicko

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Book's pov

"Ready Saw?," I say happily. "Y y yes," Saw says not ready at all. I could see Saw closed her eyes not ready for this at all. "This will be fun," I say so ready to live through this. "Just do it already" Saw says not happy at all and even a bit sad. "Fine," I say. "Hey Fries," I say holding Saw behind my back. "You do know I can see her feet there right," he says clearly showing me something I didn't notice. "Uh...," I say and try to saw through him but he dodges. "Grrrrrrr," I say.

 Then he runs back inside. "Great we didn't get the ki-" I say before interrupting myself. Is that Bubble and Match I think to myself. "Uh Book why'd you stop midsentence and please put me down," Saw says trying to get down. "Oh um right," I say normally and put Saw down. "Thank you," Saw says happy to leave. "Now follow me," I say happily. "What are we going to do?" Saw asks scared of what I want to do. "It doesn't matter you don't do it, you know what happens," I say threatening her. "Fine" Saw says feeling very sad. Then we started walking towards Bubble and Match. 

Golfball's pov

"Ok so um Tennis Ball I want you to tell 8 Ball the rules," I say wanting to make sure 8 ball understands. "Uh but Golf Ball we just had that little chat with our team," Tennis ball says not understanding why he needs to talk to 8 Ball. "Good point," I say understanding Tennis Ball's point. "But uh Blocky, Basketball, you guys hang out with Grassy,... 8 Ball I don't care what you do". "Oh," he said. "Anyway I'll be back I'm gonna go get stuff from those chests hidden around that just happened to appear," I say ready to leave there before some chaos happens. "Be safe Golf Ball," TB says caring about if I'm safe or not. "I will," I say feeling happy that someone cares. I decided to walk outside and I saw a horrific sight.

Match's pov

"So Bubble should we go back inside now?," I ask knowing the times we are living in. "Noio," Bubble says obviously not ready to face Pence Pence. "Ok," I say. "Oh hey, Book," I say happy to talk to her again. "Hey Match," Book says happily. "What's like up with you?," I ask wondering what has changed since she joined her own team. "Nothing," Book says normally. Then she pushed me to the ground.  "Hey what's like the matter with you?," I asked Book angrily. Then I felt a sharp pain rush through my body. "Ow, why did you like do that?," I say but she doesn't respond and, started sawing through me with Saw."Owwwwwwwwww" I start screaming in pain, I see Bubble watching this tears rolling down her face.

 Then Bubble went savage AF and slapped Book. "Oh it's on," Book says and leaves Saw in my body, and she started chasing Bubble. Why did Bubble do that after everything I had done. Then I hear some sounds it sounded like a scream.  "Bubble" I scream upset. I try my best to turn over so I could see and I couldn't but I recognized that Book screamed probably because Bubble slapped her again. A few seconds later I hear "Oh bubble you're so dead, you slapped me twice you think you're entitled to do that". "Uh oh," Bubble says scared.

Bottle's pov

Tee hee I'm gonna take a look outside, I'm first on patrol so I watch from the window and I see Book talking to her alliance. Normal I look around and I eventually see Golf Ball. Tho the expression on her face didn't look like she saw something pleasant, it looked like she saw the opposite. I direct my attention back to Book and Match and I see Match on the ground, Saw almost halfway through her and Book chasing Bubble. "Team let's go emergency," I say ready to fix this problem. My team responds with, "What is it?". "No time go go go," I say rushing everyone. "Ok," Pen says in a rush. We then went outside quickly "Pen you help Match I'll help Bubble," I say in a rush. I go over to Book and Bubble and I block Book's path. Then I yeet her all the way back to her house. Yup, I just picked her up and threw her, now that I think about the fall could have killed her, but she looks fine.

Pen's pov

"Match you ok?" I ask hoping she would be ok. "No cough, of course, I'm not ok cough," she says clearly hurt and weak. "Oh my ink you're coughing blood," I say knowing she is hurt and not ok at all. "I cough know that, "she says still coughing. "That's when I picked her up and tied Saw's hand to a metal fence in the distance and left her there, I brought Match home. "Oh my seed is she gonna be ok," Tree says not knowing she would be this hurt when we got her here. "I don't know," Pillow says clearly caring. "All of you shut up," I say being a leader.

 "Pillow I'm using your room as a hospital room for Match, this house is now a hospital," I say leading my team. "Ok," Pillow says listening to me. I carry Match up the stairs since by now she passed out. I lay her on Pillow's bed. Oh wow, that crack is a huge one good thing she didn't snap in half. Oh ink, she passed out cause of blood loss. "Where are the bandages Tree?," I say ready to receive some bandages or a location. "We don't have any" Tree says sadly. "Well we need some, check the chests outside Tree," I say rushing him away. "Why me?," Tree says. "Because I said to now go-go". "Fine" Tree says annoyed.

Fries's pov

"Guys I'm back," I say loudly so everyone can hear me. "Oh, my rainbows you're ok," Puffball says excitedly. "Yes, Puffball I'm fine," I say calmly. "Where were you?," Puffball asks wondering where I was. "Outside since Foldy, Stapy and Marker were being annoying," I say totally epic burning them in the process. "Anyway Puffball how are you?," I ask normally. "Good" Puffball says happily. "I'm glad how are you guys?, "I say to Stapy, Marker, and Foldy. "Uh, whatever you just said probably wasn't important," Foldy says busily. "Nope I'm going back outside," I say annoyed. "Wait don't go," Puffball says feeling sad. "You can come to," I say normally. "Ok dokay," Puffball says happily. "Good, see you later we are just gonna gather supplies," I say normally. "Ok, be careful," Eraser says normally. "Oh, I will," I say back.

Puffball's pov

"Fries and I came outside just a little bit ago," I say to Golf Ball normally. "Oh ok," Golf Ball says wondering why I'm even talking to her. "Puffball enough talking to Golf Ball let's get looking for supplies," I say directing her. "Ok dokay," I say ready to help. We then went to our first chest of the day. "Oh cool It's bandages, never know when you need those". "What else is in there Puffball?," Fries asked me. "Uh a knife," I say normally. "Grab it, we will probably need that item," Fries says still directing me. "Ok dokay," I say normally. "Let's go back now," Fries says as he usually does telling me what to do. "Ok dokay," I say and we start walking back home. On the way back home we see some blood on the ground, but we decide to ignore it. Once we got back home we told our teammates what we found. "Cool," Eraser says as his normal bored sounding self. "I know," I say happily.

Authors note

What will happen to match will she live or not how does bubble or taco or saw feel find out next time.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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