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ruby pov

''hey flower ill be right back dont do anything stupid or else'' i say before walking out i hear flower say ''ok'' phew time to just sit downstairs and relax im gonna watch just of my favorite show to be honest that show is barney my second fav is care bears so i just have an innocent mindset. anyway i turn care bears on the tv and hear walking upstairs. eh probably jsut bubble and fanny or snowball. 

flower pov

im gonna go downstairs. as i walk downstairs i notice ruby i try to be very quiet since i wasnt supposed to leave my room. i see her watching barney so i just walk past i very quietly open the front door to see 6 drinks one for each of us i deliver the drinks to all the rooms then i head back to rubys room i start drinking my drink i feel weak but i wont let that get to me i then hear massive coughing around the whole house. oh no is everyone sick i then start coughing i get up and deal with it since pencil told us not to show signs of weakness ever. i hear the coughing getting louder and a sound that sounds like crying and coughing in one that sound is almost as hideous as fours screech. i go where the sound is and its fanny just fanny. bubble was in here a minute ago. ''you murder'' fanny said coughing up blood. ''what im not a murder'' i say then i cough up a little bit of blood. fanny and i seem to argue for a while.

ruby pov

ugh im getting a headache from all this coughing whos even sick ugh right now i need to lie down since of this headache i start walking up the stairs and when i get in my room i see a cup with my name in it. it seems to have grapes juice in it so i pick up the cup and take a sip. then i start coughing up some blood what.

fanny pov right before flower came in and started arguring but after they had goten the drinks

''and so bubble i said to match i hate you as the last thing i ever said to her i feel a little bad but not by much''. ''bubble''. i see bubble in the corner coughing. ''bubble said coughing is deadly for her and her body doesnt allow her to cough but here she is coughing up blood''. i then look at the door handle moving someones about to come in i look back at bubble all there is a puddle. then the door opens and its flower

flower pov

''whatever fanny'' i said coughing up more blood then i black out. the very next time i know im lying down in my bed and ruby is standing next to me weakly smiling when did i get in here i remeber blacking out after the drinks. ''ruby dont drink that''  i say coughing. ''why not'' she says. ''its poison grab one of my petals for each of you everyone got one of these drinks'' i say still oughing up blood. ruby mixes my petal into the poison which is one of the ways to use it to cure poison then she gives one to everyone else. i lay here knowing im gonna die. i lay here knowing how sad fanny is. i lay here my mind in ruins. ''i caused this im a murder'' i say while crying and coughing. ''no flower youre not you had no idea'' ruby says. ''thanks'' i say. 

ruby pov

oh my rock flowers gonna die im going to right her a song

ruby; ''one day ill hold your hand again'' 

ruby; ''but today is not that day''

ruby; ''one day ill see you again''

ruby; ''but that day is not today''

ruby; ''but even tho''

ruby; ''today might be your last''

ruby; ''i promise itll be your best''

flower; ''one day youll hold my hand''

flower; ''but today is not that day''

flower; ''one day youll see me again''

flower; ''but that day is not today''

flower; ''and even tho today might be my last''

flower; ''itll be the best''

ruby and flower; ''and tho i will miss you''

ruby and flower; ''we will meet again''

ruby and flower; ''i promise''

ruby and flower; ''i promise''

flower; ''we will meet again'' 

ruby; ''i promise''

flower; ''and even tho this sucks''

ruby and flower; ''atleast im with you'' 

ruby and flower; ''atleast im with you''

flower; ''we will be together forever''

ruby; ''we will be together forever''

authors note when they sing it right here they repeat the song then they continue

flower and ruby; ''we will be together'' 

flower; ''forever''

ruby pov

and thats it shes gone. but i cant cry i have to stay strong for flower. the beatiful song i wrote is stuck in my head. her last moments were so beatiful i just wish she were still here. but as we sung we will be together forever. i just wanna cry but i cant that would be showing im weak. instead i grab flowers dead body and put it on the couch downstairs and even tho she is dead i dont burry her yet not yet im not ready. instead i head to the kitchen to grab some ice cream from the freezer vanilla of course i then sit on the couch holding my arm around flowers dead body and  i eat the ice cream while watching care bears. after a few episodes i grab flower and a shovel and head outside i then start digging the hole when the hole is finally deep enough i place flower in holding flowers that i put in here hands i then start putting the dirt back in the hole i go inside to hear fanny crying and it turns out bubble died to so we grabbed her limbs and burried them in another hole in the yard then we made the gravestones i wrote flowers fanny wrote bubbles on flowers grave it said

flower a spoiled contestant gone nice come season 4 and my girlfriend from ruby

bubbles grave said 

the leader of an alliance but 2 brats took over bubble was nice but sad every day and my girlfried from fanny.

authors note

i wrote that song lol

this chapter was a little hard to write i mean what no😈😈😈😈

so yes 2 deaths this chapter so sad 

share your opions in the comments

i might turn the song into a video prob not tho

death list

match died of cyandie

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attack by book 

yellow face died of being burried alive

bubble died of poison

flower died of poison

so sad that they got poisoned and yes pencil left the poison she is the defintion of heartless

and again i wrote the song

my roblox is shoplkins

bye my little shopkins

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