rockys smol adventure

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Nickel pov

"Hey rocky how are you doing" I ask while walking in. "Bleh" rocky says then writes fine with vomit. "Oh uh ok rocky need anything" I ask.

Again I hear bleh then i look and rocky wrote no but why are you in here nickel, with more vomit.

"Uh just here to check on you for balloony" I say. Wheres balloony rocky writes with vomit. "Uh him and cloudy are hanging out" I say.

Hanging out as in one of them is hanging the other or hanging out like chatting rocky writes.

I circle the second one. Oh ok rocky writes. "Yeah I'm gonna go now" I say. Alright bye nickel rocky writes. "Bye rocky" I say.

Cloudy pov

"Ogay valloony ready due oo thiz" I say. "Cloudy I'm not so sure about this" balloony says. "Oh galm own valloony it'll ve fine" I say.

"Uh are you sure we should find out who I love" he asks. "Uh es valloony what else would I oo with this quiz ztore it in my gollection" I say.

"YES CLOUDY THAT IS WHAT YOU WOULD DO" balloony screams. "Valloony you ont have do zcream" I say.

"Sorry cloudy" balloony replies. "It'z ogay valloony" I say. "Alright cloudy" balloony says.

"Let'z ztart now gueztion vone oo you want love" I say. "Uh I do want love" balloony says.

"Ogay gueztion two are you ingerezded in boyz or girlz" I say. "Uh both" balloony answered.

Rocky pov
Hmm it's boring here I'm gonna go to tennisball and golfball she is bossy but I dont tell her that.

Alright time to go. I start to walk down the stairs and i see balloony laughing and slightly blushing a bit.

but eh they seem distracted i walk out the front door and begin my adventure.

  I start to walk to tennisball and golfball and they had told me if anything bad happened I could always tell them so that's what I am gonna do.

as I walk slowly I see something in the distance I'm gonna go check it out but later I will go to a better names house. As i walk slowly i see firey and leafy arguing so I decide to listen.

Fireys pov

"Leafy why were you at blahop house in the first place" I say ready to argue. "It wasn't me it was match" leafy says.

"Match was dead was it pen" I ask still ready to argue. "No it was match" leafy says. "It could not have been" I say.

"It was when it was and someone doesnt believe you its called lying and I dont like liars firey" leafy says.

"Well I'm not lying it couldn't have been match it psychically couldn't have been so your the liar" i say.

"Be quiet" needle screams while running over. "You two arguing is infuriating just stop arguing leafy" needle says. "What I didn't start the argument" leafy says.

Rocky pov

Soon enough the three of them were all arguing then loser came out and dragged them home one by one.

Loser pov
"Firey leafy and needle you interrupted my time with cake look how sad he is" I say. "Oh wow he's crying" needle says.

"Now I have to calm him down" I say. "There there cake it'll be ok" I say. "Alright loser" cake says happily.

Then i see eggy walk in "hey eggy" i say. "Hey loser where did we put the"

Rocky pov

I cant believe what she just said I'm leaving before something bad happens I think. Time to head to golfball and tennisball.

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