Cake Coiny!!

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Pin's pov

"Ok Teardrop... since we have nine team members... I'll make twelve slices of cake!" I say happily. Teardrop nods and takes the first two slices... then she puts two slices on a plate for me, and one slice on a plate for Needle! "Needle go get everyone and bring them here!" I say with a smile. "On it Pin!!" Needle says and starts running up the stairs. "Now I'm just gonna relax!!" I say as I sit down on the couch.

Needle pov

"Yeah Cake I would always protect you from danger!" I hear Loser say while I stand there out of breath outside his room. "Oh thank you, Loser!" I hear Cake say as a response. "Guys open the door!" I say out of breath as I knock on the door. "Woah Needle come sit down." Loser tells me. "Can't I have more running to do!" I say still out of breath. "Cake do you think you could handle whatever it is Needle was doing?" Loser asks.

"Sure thing Loser!" Cake says not even knowing the task yet. "Ok guys... here's some cake for you!" I say and hand them the cake. Cake looks a little grossed out tho. "Cake you gonna eat it?" I ask. "Um, no thanks!" Cake says as he rocks back and forth in the corner. "Hm, why doesn't he want it?" I ask Loser. "Needle have you really not figured that out yet?" Loser asks me concerned. "I promise you I haven't!" I reply. 

"Well, Cake isn't gonna want to give out cakes to people so um you can go now Needle!" Loser says. "Oh, ok Loser I hope you enjoyed the cake...I made it!" I say and walk out. "Coiny open your door!" I say while knocking on his door. No reply hm strange. "I'll be back soon when I get back you better let me in!" I say and run over to Clock's room. "And that's when I said yea Teardrop I understand!" I hear Eggy say. 

"Hey Clock and Eggy!" I say as I enter the door. "I think the polite thing to do would be to knock Needle!" Eggy says. "Yeah!" Clock says. "I know I'm sorry!" I quickly say. "Anyway, why are you here?" Clock asks. "Oh, I um baked this cake for you!" I say and place one in front of each of them. "This isn't gonna expand inside me and blow me up from the inside.. is it?" Clock asks. "No Pin made sure I didn't put too much yeast!" I say.

"Oh thank you for the cake Needle!" Eggy says with a smile. "No problem I hope you enjoy it!" I say and leave the room. Ok time to go to Firey and Leafy! I hope I don't interrupt anything important! I think to myself.  "I'm still not over the lame Match excuse!" I hear Firey say. "Well, it's not a lame excuse!" I hear Leafy yell back. "Look whether it's an excuse or not both of you get over it!!" I say walking into the room. 

"Ah, Needle when did you get here?" Firey asks. "Just a couple of seconds ago!" I reply. "Oh ok why are you here?" Leafy asks in a serious tone. "Oh, I have this cake for you!" I say and hand them the cake. "Why does it look like Book?" Leafy asks. "Oh because Book tortured someone... so now that person is living with us!" I respond with a smile on my face. "Wait who is it?" Firey asks. "Uh, its... Teardrop," I say. "Ugh ok, I guess she can stay," Firey says. 

"Well, I better get going to give Coiny his cake!" I say and open the door, ready to leave. "Ok bye Needle!" Leafy says. "Bye Leafy!" I say and walk out. I walk over to Coiny's room and politely knock on the door.  "Coiny, Pin needs you... its an emergency!" I say slightly loudly. "She's dying!" I say slightly loud. "That's it I'm coming in there!" I say and open his door. "Coiny where are you?" I ask but don't end up getting a reply. 

Coiny's Ghost pov

"Oh, my mint no one knows Book killed me!" "They think I'm just hiding... I'm freaking out!" I say in a panicking manner. "Coiny calm down!" Bubble quickly says. "Bubble no one knows I'm dead!" I scream. "Well, maybe its better that way!" Bubble says. "How so?" I ask. "Well think about it this way... if no one knows you're dead... you aren't stressing Pin out that much!" Bubble says. "OH, MY MINT!" "Pin.... no one knows I'm dead... no one will protect Pin!" I start freaking out even more. "Coiny I tried to calm you down already... I'm gonna go back to watching Fanny be depressed." Bubble says and floats away. 

Needle's Pov

"Pin I can't find Coiny... anywhere!" I scream while running over to her. "Well... before I woke up he was right here!" Pin says and points to the couch. "Well um he's obviously not there... so where could he be?" I ask. "I don't know... what if he's hurt!?" Pin asks freaking out. "Look wherever he is... he wouldn't want you to be stressed... I know it!" I say hugging her gently. "Your right Needle...  I must stay strong for Coiny!!" Pin says with a smile. "I'm gonna go looking for him now... do you wanna hold on to his slice of cake for him?" I ask. 

"Um sure Needle!" Pin says and I hand her the slice of cake. Teardrop begins moving her arms around really fast in different directions. "Teardrop calm down and try to tell me... what's wrong?" I say. Teardrop goes over to the window... looks out of it at her house... and then starts waving her arms... trying to tell someone to stop something.... then she opens the door... and frowns. "TD let me ask a few yes or no questions!" I say. Teardrop nods and sits down on the couch. 

Authors notes

Well, that was that!

I'm hoping to get some more of my sister's beautiful art soon!

But she will probably say no!

I will eventually come back and fix Bubble's accent!

Which I didn't even attempt!

I hope you all enjoyed!

Remember if you draw fanart if will appear in a future chapter!

Death List

 Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Goodbye, my little shopkins!

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